fatema Creative Commons License 2010.01.08 0 0 441

idemásolom a Costa ajánlatát a csomagot illetően (egy nagy meg egy kis csomag fejenként):

az aláhúzott rész az étel-italra vonatkozó tilalom...


We recommend one piece of luggage/suitcase per person.Weremind you that the following items are strictly prohibited:arms and munitions, explosives, fireworks and flares,compressed or liquefied gas (flammable, non-flammable,refrigerants, irritants and toxic gases) such as camping gas,flare launchers, starter pistols, infectious or toxic substances,corrosive substances, radioactive substances,and objects thatcould be used as weapons. It is also prohibited to carry food and drink in your hand baggage to take aboard the ship and in the cabins. Further information can be found under theheading "Security Checks".

We would like to inform you that, in line with the health andsafety standards adopted by Costa Cruises for its guests, it isforbidden to bring any kind of food or drink on board, ineither hand baggage or cabin baggage.

Előzmény: cindoretto1 (436)