Még pár nappal ezelőtt be lettek szúrva homeopátiát ellenző cikkek. Találtam egy listát amiben pedig a homeopátia mellett vannak.
Így most már kiegyenlítettünk :)
1. Kleijnen J., Knipschild P., Riet G., Clinical trials of homeopathy, British Medical Journal, 1991.
2. Boissel J.P., Cucherat M., Haugh M., Gauthier E., Overview of data from homeopathic medicine trials : report on the efficacy of homeopathic interventions over no treatment or placebo, Report to the European Commission, 1996.
3. Linde K., Clausius N., Ramirez G., Melchart D., Eitel F., Hedges V.L., Jonas W.B., Are the clinical effects of homeopathy placebo effects ? A meta-analysis of placebo-controlled trials, The Lancet, 1997.
4. Shang A., Egger M.,Are the clinical effects of homeopathy placebo effects ? Comparative study of placebo-controlled trials of homeopathy and allopathy, The Lancet, august 27, 2005
5. The Lancet, december 17/24/31, 2005