HPéter1978 Creative Commons License 2009.07.19 0 0 5883
Érdekes híradást találtam a ChechuRubiera.info-n

Over the last couple of days, the Spanish media have reported that Fernando Alonso is keen to create a new cycling team with Alberto Contador as team leader.

Now El Comercio reports that Alonso wants Chechu to be the first director of this team.

Chechu is cautious, saying, "At the moment, it's an idea in the mind of Fernando. All this came up when Astana owed the riders several months money ... Fernando is worried about Alberto's situation, and thinks it would be good to find a sponsor to create a team for Spanish cyclists".

Chechu is a long-time personal friend of fellow Asturian, Fernando Alonso, who is a keen cyclist. He attended the opening stage of this year's Tour in Monaco.

The Spanish banking group, Santander has been floated by the media as a possible sponsor for the new team. They are currently sponsors of F1, and have weathered the banking crisis well.

Update. According to el Comercio, Alsono has been planning this team for a couple of years. The F1 driver is contracted with Ferrari until 2010, just as Contador is to Team Astana. However, the Asturian daily paper says that the arrival of Alexandre Vinokourov to the Kazakh team in August may change Contador's contract.

Alonso szeretné Chechut direktornak a tervezett Santander csapatba.
Szerintem Rubierara Armstrong is igényt tartana a Nike-Livestrongban, szóval elég kikapós lesz Chechu így a karrierje végén. :-)