Matchpoint Creative Commons License 2009.03.02 0 0 4833

Ezek szerint minden LL-t a rangsor szerint minösítik, így sajnos Grétának alig van esélye.......:


(a WTA szabályaiból)



"The criterion for determining Lucky Loser status is determined

 first by the highest ranked players (in descending

 order) who have lost in the final round of Qualifying. (The

 ranking used to determine the Lucky Loser order is the

 same ranking used to determine the Qualifying seeding)*.

 If more Lucky Losers are required, the same procedure is

 followed for players who have lost in the second-to-last

 round of Qualifying, in descending rank order."


Legközelebb Indian Wellsben drukkolhatunk Grétának.......!

Előzmény: Koni95 (4829)