Limesz Creative Commons License 2009.01.24 0 0 714
Ja persze a zsidó szuprémizmusban hívő lelkek szeretik szűrni a történelmi tényeket és borzasztóan fel vannak háborodva ha szembesülnek azzal, hogy a Dicsőséges 133 nap az tulajdonképpen zsidók vérengző terrorja volt.


In every other East European country, it is exactly the same story:

In Hungary a Communist revolution was staged in 1919, instigated by the Jew Bela Kun (Cohen). During the three month regime, the country was turned upside down in a reign of murder and terror. Here again, the government was composed almost entirely of Jews. And it was this factor which brought about the regime's downfall, as the ordinary Hungarians detested Jewish dictatorship. Kun was deposed and fled to the Soviet Union, where he became chief of the secret police, the Cheka, in southern Russia.

It was not until 1945 that the Jews were able to regain control. Three Russian Jews were installed as the ruling triumvirate, Matyas Rakosi (Rosencranz), Erno Gero (Singer) and Zoltan Vas. Both Rakosi and Gero had been members of Kun's bloody government.
Előzmény: Limesz (711)