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Otranto volt az egyik legnagyobb.
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Battles: The Battle of Otranto Straits, 1917 Updated - Sunday, 21 July, 2002
Having mounted a series of ongoing assaults upon the Allied Otranto Barrage in the Mediterranean - usually whenever one of their submarines was lost to an unknown cause - the Austro-Hungarian Navy determined to launch a concerted attack on the night of 14/15 May 1917.
The attack, planned by then-Captain Miklos Horthy de Nagybanya, was led by three light cruisers (Novaro, Helgoland and Saida, initially disguised as destroyers so as not to overly alarm the Allies) and two destroyers and was specifically directed against the ill-defended Allied anti-submarine trawlers which comprised the Barrage.
http://www.firstworldwar.com/battles/otrantostraits.htm |