Sagarakti-Surias Creative Commons License 2008.08.08 0 0 96

A fedetlen keblű Inanna kezdetleges ábrázolása egy fekete szteatit pecséthengeren és lenyomatán a III. uri dinasztia idejéből (Kr. e. 2250–2140)



Magasság: 26 mm





Black steatite seal of the bare breasted goddess Inanna and a three register inscription. The goddess is wearing the layered skirt of ancient Sumeria with her hands rised in devotion. The inscription has the owner’s name in the first register (“ur” + ?), likely his father’s name in the second register, and the third proclaims his devotion to a god or goddess (“servant of” + ?). This class of seals is called the “erotic series” due to their subject matter.


The heavily worn ends are usually the result of surface-find seals used by Arab women as ornamental beads. Many of the cylinder seals in commerce come from such Bedouin necklaces.


Vagyis az ábrázolás minősége, a rajztudás ez esetben semmit sem árul el a pecséthenger koráról




A pecséthenger lenyomata
Előzmény: Sagarakti-Surias (95)