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Alberto véleménye az Angliruról:

"The Angliru is very hard”, said Contador. “The Cueña des Cabres and its 23 percent together with another part near the finish with its 21 percent are the worst parts. I did not climb with the appropriate development. I used a 39x27, that was too hard. I believe that the most appropriate will be a 36x28 or somewhere around. When I compare with the Giro and the famous Mortirolo, I have to say that the Angliru is more difficult. It was hard as well because we did already four other climbs, earlier that day. In the Vuelta, we will arrive at the Angliru after 200 kilometer racing. Important will be the climb prior to the Angliru, the Cordal. It is a short but very steep climb. When you loose contact on the Cordal, you cannot come back any more.”

Contador’s most important conclusion is that a climb like this is good for the Vuelta. "Yes, I like it because it is good for the show and because the fans relate it with hardness and spectacle. Everybody talks about the climb. On the other hand, I don't believe that it can provoke big differences, because there will be few differences in speed among the riders that go well and the ones that don’t.”

Az Angliru nagyon kemény. A Cueña des Cabres 23%-os és van egy másik rész, ami 21%. Nem megfelelő áttétellel ment fel, 39x27-et használt, de túl kemény volt, 39x28 kéne vagy valahol akörül. A híres Mortirolot is megmászta a Giron, de az Angliru nehezebb. Azért is nehéz volt, mert előtte még négy hegyet másztak meg, a Vueltán pedig 200 km után érnek ide. Nagyon fontos az Angliru előtt a Cordal, egy rövid, de nagyon meredek hegy. Aki a Cordalon leszakad, az többet nem ér fel.
A szurkolóknak tetszeni fog, a versenyzőknek kevésbé. :-)