Törölt nick Creative Commons License 2008.06.09 0 0 70
Gugliztam a "homeopathy double blind" kifejezésre és íme pár idézet:

"Also at the turn of the century, a book was published called The Logic of Figures or Comparative Results of Homeopathic and Other Treatments. This book provides dozens of charts comparing dis-ease and death rates in homeopathic and allopathic hospitals. These included the epidemic dis-eases of scarlet fever, yellow fever, typhoid, etc. The homeopathic hospitals usually had 50 to 80 percent less deaths per 100 people, depending on the dis-ease compared."

"A recent nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) study showed that 23 different homeopathic remedies tested at different potencies had distinctive readings of subatomic activity while the placebos did not. This demonstrates that homeopathy's function is not so much chemical, but energetic."


"In 1991, the British Medical Journal published an analysis of 107 clinical studies published between 1966 and 1990. The authors found that in 81 of the experiments, the homeopathic treatments were successful. Even when they included only the 23 studies that they considered to be of the highest quality, the vast majority of these (15) showed positive results. Here's how the results broke down: 13 out of the 19 trials of respiratory infection treatment were effective, 6 out of 7 were positive for other infections, 5 out of 7 were positive for digestive system treatment, 5 out of 5 were successful for hay fever, 5 out of 7 showed accelerated recovery after surgery, 4 out of 6 helped in rheumatological disease, 18 of 20 were beneficial for pain or traumatic injury; and 8 out of 10 worked for mental or psychological problems."


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