Nem találom az emlitett szlovák Notam-ot, viszont találtam az Eurocontrolon egy friss közleményt Csehországból: (beállitás:Applications-Pams-Czeh-Aip-Gen)
1.2.1 GENERAL All flights within the airspace of the Czech Republic
including landings and departures to/from the territory of the Czech
Republic shall be carried out in accordance with the rules and
regulations of the Czech Republic. The aircraft arriving in, or departing from the Czech
territory from/to abroad have to make their initial landing or final take−
off at the airport with permanent customs and passport services
during their operational hours or at the airport where customs and
passport services are provided on prior request and their assistance
has been confirmed by customs and passport service unless decided
by a bilateral agreement between the Czech Republic and a respective
state otherwise. Obligation to arrive/depart to/from an airport with
customs service does not apply to the aircraft arriving/departing
from/to territory of European Union member states. Obligation to
arrive/depart to/from an airport with passport service does not apply
to aircraft arriving/departing from/to territory of Schengen area states
(Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France,
Iceland, Italy, Lithuania, Latvia, Luxemburg, Hungary, Malta,
Germany, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Austria, Greece,
Slovenia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden).