Paride Grillo back and training
Italian Paride Grillo is back and training after a brutal New Years Day car accident that put his cycling career in doubt, and he plans to make his racing return in Coppi e Bartali. The 25 year-old of team CSF Group Navigare crashed his BMW Z4 Coupe into an electrical box due to icy roads and was forced with an extended hospital with nose and knee surgery.
However, things are looking better according to La Gazzetta dello Sport as Grillo has been training again on his home roads, near Como. "I am well and happy because I have been able to train," he commented. "The worst is behind me now. Tuesday, I rode more than six hours with Ivan Basso."
Grillo will return to racing on March 25 with the five-day Settimana Coppi e Bartali.
Mint emlékezhettek rá az izgatott frizuáriról híres, vörö shajú olasz sprinter újév naőján lehentelt egy trafószekrényt a bmw-jével. Az orrán és a térdén sérült meg, de most végre újra edzésbe állt. Kedden hét órát tekert, méghozzá nem akárkivel, hanem magával Bassoval.
Ui: Rendes ez a Basso, hogy a szárnyai alá vette ezt a kótyagos sprintert.