Jöjjön a következő adag:
101. When you've traveled to/vacationed in/visited at least 10 countries in your life.
102. When you don't use measuring cups when cooking.
103. When you are standing next to the two largest suitcases at the airport.
104. When you have rugs covering every inch of your house.
105. When you live abroad and you could kill to eat proper hungarian food!!
106. When your neighbour sun tans topless.
107. When people question you for eating a sandwich for breakfast.
108. When mixing red wine and coke is a delicious combination and you can't believe that foreigners think its weird.
109. When every 2nd person you know is either a Gabor, a Feri, Csaba, Gyorgy, Balazs, Eva, Bea, Eszter, etc.
110. When - even if you have a cold - your grandmother tells you to gargle with salt water!
111. When you have ever had a Romanian say something bad about Hungarians.
112. When you can think of at least 5 different varieties of pörkölt and couldn't imagine your life without rakott káposzta or somlói galuska.
113. When you know that CS, DZ, DZS, GY, LY, NY, etc. are all ONE LETTER, and when telling it to your foreign friends, they all think it's weird.
114. When you say 'Szia' or 'Hello' instead of 'Viszlát' to your friends when you say good-bye to them, and your foreign friends think it's weird as well.
115. When you think that a glass of 'pálinka' or 'forralt bor' is better than medicine.
116. When you know what 'kakaós csiga' is.
117. When you have a bumper sticker on your car or map in your home of "Nagy Magyarorszag".
118. When you smuggle salami back from Hungary.
119. When you can (actually) pronounce Gy, as in HOGY VAGY - and not say hogi-vagi.
120. When you think thats weird that Americans dont have gates around their homes.
121. When having a barbecue means roasting lard on a stick and dripping the grease on bread.
122. When friends/family celebrate your birthday by pulling your ears.
123. When there is thermal water or a spa in your hometown or very close to your hometown.
124. When you have a good time with your friends by singing songs containing the words temetõ, keresztfa, sírhely, meghalt.
125. When you think zsíros kenyér and pálinka is a balanced meal as long as you also have onions.
126. When you know you can easily find a shop open in the middle of the night to buy alcohol and you will not be asked for ID.
127. When you know which nation has the most Nobel prize winners related to its population.
128. When you know what tepertos pogacsa is.
129. When you have to stand out to the rain to grow tall.
130. When rántotta is an egg food and not hitched by something.
131. When people from all over the world keep on asking you if you understand anything from Finnish language.
132. When you can talk about the most intimate things with complete strangers on the bus, waiting for the doctor, etc., but you are avoiding discussing your financial state even with your closest relatives.
133. When you know that the front passenger seat in a car is called "anyos-ules"... and then proceed with a few mother in law jokes to top it off!
134. When you can't make do with normal sized pillows, they have to be huge or minute.
135. When there are more books in your apartment than in a foreign friend's entire neighborhood.
136. When you speak to foreign people in Hungarian, but slower and louder than normal to make them your language understandable!
137. When you eat bread with just about everything, even with potatoes.
138. When you never eat your steak if it's not very well done - like roasted dark.
139. When you are a citizen of the only country that has a crown with a tilted cross on the top.
140. When most of your childhood games revolved around 'bújocska', 'fogócska', and 'snúr' preferably with fillér-s (the old hungarian 'cents').
141. When you live abroad and wonder around in a bookstore, you very frequently end up in the travel section, longingly staring at the photos of the unbelievably gorgeous Budapest (or which ever city you are from)
142. When your mom chases you with a wooden spoon and your dad says "Vigyaz, mert mindjart ossze akad a bajuszunk.." even when you're clearly a girl.
143. When you are eating something that looks like a plate full of puke, you call it "Lecso". But it tastes amazing!
144. When you speak a language that no one can understand in a whole world... only Hungarians.
145. When your grandma gives yous "madartej" for dessert.
146. When you can't simply say "fine, thanks" when someone asks "how are you?" but you rather go into details of your life.
147. When you think that huzat equals certain death because again, this was handed down to you by your omnipotent and all-knowing mother.
148. When you say "kurva" to describe something amazing!
149. When your foreign friends have a hard time understanding that your friends in Slovakia and Transylvania are Hungarians by birth but not Hungarian citizens.