ashimon Creative Commons License 2008.02.23 0 0 2530

Koszonom az udvozlest. Hoztam nemi hirt a BA FAnclub oldalrol, bar nincs idom leforditani (bocso).



The BA Membership is pleased to offer our official members a once in a lifetime opportunity to be part of this historical event! A Member ONLY ticket giveaway for the 11 Promo tour dates is on now!

Members, here’s your chance to win an Invitation to the upcoming EXCLUSIVE ‘11’ Concert Dates. See Bryan up close and personal in one of the ‘11’ acoustic showcases Bryan is performing for the launch the upcoming album release, ‘11’. Access is by invitation only and you and one guest could be part of it all!

Members, log into BACKSTAGE now for full details. CONTEST CLOSES MARCH 1ST, 2008.

NOT a member yet? This is an excellent opportunity to get in on the member only contest. Simply go to the STORE and click on BA MEMBERSHIP and apply right away. Not only will you receive an exclusive brand new Waking Up The Nation DVD, you can also take part in the amazing ticket giveaway . Orders received by Friday, Feb 29th noon (GMT) will be activated in time to enter the contest.

Előzmény: Veggie1990 (2529)