ex_lx Creative Commons License 2008.01.17 0 0 43
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Transcript for 24 May 2006, started at 11:20:48

FreeJam started by: xxx@in.ibm.com (Application Programer,Data Warehousing)
Topic: is there a way to load from a .txt file to db2 tables ?
Community: db2 dba

[11:21:45] én@hu.ibm.com - Yes, if the txt file fulfills the format conditions of the format DB2 calls 'del' (delimited).
[11:22:15] én@hu.ibm.com - Actually, it's a sort of CSV.
[11:23:12] xxx@in.ibm.com actually i hv a txt file which is a report , so the format is like a table only with columns and data under it
[11:25:25] én@hu.ibm.com - Try parsing it with awk/perl/any script or, if you're not familiar with them, import it into an Excel sheet, reorganize it if needed, then export the stuff as CSV file. Most probably, then you'll be able to feed the CSV to DB2 as a del type of file.
[11:26:58] xxx@in.ibm.com how can I import it to an xl sheet ? actually I hv the reports given to me only , i.e the txt files , now I hv to load them
Előzmény: ex_lx (42)