Tafkó Birgut Creative Commons License 2007.11.21 0 0 5684
Both Paul and Timothy understood that total abstinence was an essential qualification for the ministry. The fact is plain that Timothy, in strict accordance with the direction, "not given to wine," was an abstainer. The recommendation to "-use- a little wine", is an exceptional case, and strictly medicinal as is evident. (Unlike cane sugar, grape-sugar does not need to go through any conversion process in the body to gain the healthful benefit, and was a common cure for stomach problems in those days.)

Pliny, Columella, Philo, and others, state that many of the wines of their day produced "headaches, dropsy, madness, and STOMACH COMPLAINTS", so obviously that is -NOT- the kind of wine that Paul was recommending. On the other hand, NonAlcoholic wine (grape juice) is good for stomach ailments, as Athenaeus says: "Let him take sweet wine (glukus), either mixed with water or warmed, especially that called protropos, as being very good for the stomach."

According to Pliny, protropos was: "Mustum quod sponte profluit antequam uvoe calcentur." (The must which flows spontaneously from the grapes.) Or as it is defined in 'Greek and Roman Antiquities', "That which flowed from the clusters, in consequence of their pressure upon each other, to which the inhabitants of Mytelene gave the name protropos."

Immediately before Paul gave Timothy that instruction, he had said, "keep thyself pure."(1Tim.5:22p) Obviously then, Paul was exhorting him to use the PURE blood of the grape, not alcoholic wine which causes stomach problems. (Shame on any drunkard who would stoop so low as to twist Paul's words to justify your own wickedness.)
Előzmény: Biga Cubensis (5683)