Kara-Indas Creative Commons License 2007.10.05 0 0 862

Egyébként érdemes lenne utánanézni, honnan eredhet az említett déli kormányzóságnak a neve Japánban, mert az alábbiakat olvashatod a tőle ezer km-re délnyugatra fekvő Ogaszavara-szigetekről:


"Japan's small island culture is rich in its diversity, given its historical background, which is very different from the mainland. In many ways, the islands reflect a Japan that is ethnically mixed, an image that contrasts with the official depiction of Japan as a homogenous country," said Junko Konishi, a musicologist at Shizuoka University.

"This concept has become very exciting to younger Japanese and has helped islanders to rediscover their culture," added Konishi, a leading expert on the culture of the Ogasawaras, a group of some 30 subtropical islands located in the South Pacific, about 1,000 kilometers south of Tokyo.

She is also part of a growing team of dedicated people who want to restore Japan's special island past before it disappears forever.

In Ogawasawa, for example, the famous Nan'yo dance and songs can be traced the influence of settlers from Hawaii in the 1830s and to settlers from Polynesia. Dancers there perform in colorful costumes, swaying and stamping their feet to Kaka drums, made from the local Tamana tree, and to the ukulele.





Kumamoto tartomány




Tamana város Kumamoto tartományban