Tafkó Birgut Creative Commons License 2007.10.02 0 0 1907

"Inkább megváltoztatja a térképet (jelen esetben a szótásrt)"


Miből gondolod, hogy ezt én írtam: Encyclopaedia Judaica (1971): "The newly pressed wine prior to fermentation was known as yayin mi-gat (‘wine from the vat;’ Sanh 70a), yayin yashan (‘old wine’) was wine from the previous year, and that from earlier vintages, yashan noshan (‘old, very old’)."31 The full statement from Sanhedrin 70a, a Talmudic treatise to which both encyclopedias refer, reads as follows: "Newly pressed wine, prior to fermentation, was known as yayin mi-gat (wine from the press)."...?

Előzmény: Báthory Ödönke (1901)