Oromon Creative Commons License 2007.07.24 0 0 6605

Ja, még egy szó Robin Morganról. Nem muszáj félreérteni azt, hogy férjhez ment :-)))


Ő költő :-)))


Íme egy verbatim interjúrészlet vele:


"Reporter: Would you describe yourself as a lesbian?


Morgan: I guess so. I don't know. If I really had to describe myself, the one word that I feel most comfortable with is poet. I had my most recent relationship and longest second only to a marriage and probably the most impassioned of my life with a woman. I was calling myself a lesbian when although I had had sexual encounters with a woman I had not yet been in love with a woman. I now look back on that self-labeling as superficial.


Some people have called me a bisexual because I suppose that describes factually my history. I have had relationships with men as well as women. But my tendency is always to describe myself in alliance with those people who suffer most. Although a bisexual woman might risk having her child taken away from her in a custody battle or losing her job, it is much more likely that it is the lesbian woman who is facing that specific homophobic discrimination. So that's why consistently I have used that label and affirmed that, even before I fell in love with another woman. And when I fell in love with another woman, I felt wow! I didn't deserve this label until now. I don't know, since I'm not in a relationship with anyone at this exact moment I don't know what's the accurate terminology up to date. But poet always works."

Előzmény: Oromon (6604)