Na, akkor néhány adatnak látszó dolog, nem tudom, igazak-e, wikipaedia:
According to studies cited by the United Nations, on average, women work more than men, when both paid employment and unpaid household tasks are accounted for.
In rural areas of selected developing countries, women performed an average of 20% more work than men, or an additional 102 minutes per day.
In the OECD countries surveyed, on average women performed 5% more work than men, or 20 minutes per day.
UN statistics cited by the May 2001 Pan Pacific Southeast Asia Women's Association 21st International Conference, are even more specific, stating that "in the world as a whole, women comprise 51 percent of the population, do 66 percent of the work, receive 10 percent of the income and own less than one percent of the property"
Azért ezek elgondolkodtató dolgok, hogy mennyire tárgyszerű a nagy egyenrangúság.
Vagy mondjuk, ugyancsak wiki:
2004 november, női képviselők százalékos aránya a választott nemzeti parlamentekben
Sweden 45
Namibia 42
South Africa 42
Denmark 38
Finland 37
Norway 36
Spain 36
Netherlands 35
Germany 32
Iceland 30
New Zealand 28
Austria 27
Pakistan 21
Canada 21
China 20
UK (Commons) 17
Mauritius 17
United States 15
Japan 7
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