Nekem egy Yahoo fiókom romlott el váratlanul, írtam is nekik épp ma, de van Gmail is, úgyhogy kíváncsivá tett a dolog, utánanéztem a neten. Mint kiderült, nem egyedi eset, emberekkel időnként előfordul, hogy csak úgy letiltódik a Gmail fiókjuk. Vannak ilyen panaszok tavalyi dátummal is stb.
Végül ezt találtam:
Drew 10 months ago #
Hi – I'm the UK and my gmail was disabled yesterday at 5pm. My error message read:
"Sorry, your account has been disabled. For more information about Google Accounts, please consult our Help Center at
There was no unusual activity on my part. I had been happily using the account 15 minutes before the issue with access.
Logged a report and they sent a generic email about making sure username and password were correct (they are). Have replied to that ASAP outling the issue again.
Also tried to fill in the form I found here –
But that returned this error:
"Bad Request
Your client has issued a malformed or illegal request."
...which is reassuring.
Unsure what to do now. I guess it's wait and see.
Drew 10 months ago #
They turned my gmail back on :) Received this later the same day:
Thanks for your report. We apologize for any inconvenience you may have experienced. The issue you described should now be resolved. If you continue to experience difficulties, please respond to this message, and we'll investigate further.
The Google Team"