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Egyik szaktárs így ír róla:
The Hammond basic mechanism (for the big consoles) was produced essentially unchanged from the Model A of the 1930's through the 1970's. However, the model BC does not have the percussion feature that is present on the B3 or C3. This makes it rather less desirable for lounge or jazz work, but it is still a creditable blues or church instrument. The percussion effect could be added with some effort.
...have been deservedly converted to firewood.
The old amplifiers will require replacement of filter and coupling capacitors at the least, and some of the tubes are getting pricey, though they are all available. Leaky coupling caps or filter caps can cause excessive current draw, which can blow the amplifier fuses.
The general feeling is that these amps are not worth restoration. Leslie speakers of any vintage are, on the other hand, extremely desirable.
Tehát az alapja az 1930-70-ig gyártott alapvetően változatlan "A" széria, de más a perkusszió, stb szűrők, kondenzátorok, csövek cseréje és minden mumus, amivel rémítgetik a halandó TG Hammond rulajdonosokat...vagyis nincs nagyon kiszédülve, még a tüzifát is emlegeti. :(( |
Előzmény: jon lord (4490)