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1 a) Mosaic by Gaddo Gaddi, The Coronation of Mary; b) Frescos by Santi di Tito, Music-making Angels; c) Clock, painted by Paolo Uccello; d) Stained glass window by Lorenzo Ghiberti, The Assumption of Mary to Heaven. 2 Bust of Brunelleschi. 3 Bust of Giotto. 4 Bust of Marsilio Ficino. 5 Bust of Emilio De Fabris. 6 Bust of Arnolfo di Cambio. 7 Bust of Antonio Squarcialupi. 8 Fresco depicting Niccolò da Tolentino, by Andrea del Castagno. 9 Fresco depicting Sir John Hawkwood, by Paolo Uccello. 10 Monument to Dante and the Divine Comedy, by Domenico di Michelino. 11 Choir enclosure, by Baccio Bandinelli. 12 High Altar. 13 Bishop's Chair or "cathedra". 14 Crucifix by Benedetto da Maiano. 15 a) Bronze doors by Luca delIa Robbia; b) Relief by Luca delIa Robbia, The Resurrection of Christ. 16 The "Mass Sacristy" with 15th century intarsias17 The altar of Saint Zanobius and of the Blessed Sacrament: a) The urn with Saint Zanobius'relics, by Lorenzo Ghiberti; b) Last supper by Giovanni Balducci (1560-1603). 18 Relief by Luca delIa Robbia, The Ascension of Christ. 19 Entrance to the excavation of the former cathedral, Santa Reparata |