Törölt nick Creative Commons License 2006.11.24 0 0 506
24.11.2006 IT INTERESTS TO YOU? JUAN GUTIÉRREZ The equipment "will reject to take the exit in a race if Manolo Saiz is present in a square". This proposal of boycott to the Spanish technician, imputed in the Operation Port, literally thus appears written in the act of the meeting that the past maintained 25 of October in Paris the Association the International of Equipos (AIGCP). 22 of the 24 attending groups signed the agreement. All except the CSC and the Discovery Channel. Such equipment also "demands that each one of them assumes its responsibilities when has presence of members implied in cases of dopaje". And the act adds the name of three Spanish technicians as a example: Vicente Belda, Alvaro Pino and Igor González de Galdeano. Paradoxicalally, this last one is the present technical secretary of the Euskaltel equipment, that is one of the signers in the agreement. The AIGCP made these decisions after maintaining a meeting that same day with members of the three great rounds (Giro, Tour, Vuelta), that informed to the equipment of their rupture with the ProTour and its new criterion of selection of equipment (18 by sport criteria plus several invitations). The great ones also communicated that "they would prohibit the participation of an equipment implied in dopaje" and that "Saiz never would not be accepted in its tests". Thus figure in the act of the equipment, although Víctor Lamb (Unipublic) emphasized yesterday AS that "have still not taken a common position with respect to Saiz, although sobrentiende when imputed being in a case of dopaje". Alvaro Pine Era the director of the Phonak when they gave positive Tyler Hamilton, Santi Perez and Camenzind. The next year will return to the direction like technician of the Karpin-Galicia equipment. Igor G. Galdeano He appears related in the summary of the Operation Port when he was cycling of the Liberty to the orders of Manolo Saiz. Already retired officer, at the moment is the technical secretary of the Euskaltel equipment. Vicente Belda Imputed in the Operation Port. He is forming a professional continental equipment in Fuerteventura, of which he is adviser. He supports a group to him of industralists, but not them canary institutions. Manolo Saiz Imputed in the Operation Port. It continues being proprietor of the tax exemption Activates Bay, that maintains its license in the ProTour to the delay to present/display the documentation to the UCI for the next year.

Ezt fordította belőle a babelfish, nem pontosan értem, azt meg végképp nem, hogy miért pont ez a három mákvirág fúj Saizra?
Előzmény: Törölt nick (505)