FZs Creative Commons License 2006.09.18 0 0 13378


 A Glove bónusz CD-ről így nyilatkozott Mr. Severin (a ChainofFlowers oldalról):


"All the vocals on CD2 are from 1983. I admit it is a bit confusing calling them "RS vocal demo" but this is how it worked.....

All the Glove tracks were written in the studio (bar PMWK) so the music you hear isn't a demo per se, it's a rough mix of the final thing. Lyrics were written at different times in the procedings so whenever they were, Robert would do a "guide vocal'. That explains why some tracks are more developed than others. For instance, I hadn't written the bass parts for "LAA" when RS did the guide but the strings had been put on ORGY before he sang. Does that make sense?

We could only find these versions on cassette and Robert did some extensive "soundsoap" work on them going as far as stripping out the vocal, treating it and adding it back in. We've obviously done a good job because so many people think it's all new!

Whateverrrrrrrrrrrr.............it's 16 new tracks....you would think most fans would be leaping for joy, wouldn't you?"


És hogy Landray hangja csodálatos-e? Hát, kinek a pap, kinek a papné. Én éppen miatta nem nagyon hallgattam a Glove-t. És miért lenne csúny dolog, hogyha újra felvette volna a hangot? Komolyan, miért?


Igazából pedig nem tudom, hogy mit vársz az öregedő Cure-tól, nekem semmi problémám velük, kimondottan tetszenek. Neked melyik életkorú Cure tetszik? És főleg, mivel volt jobb 30 éve a Cure, mint most?


Ja, igen és miért olyan csodás az a Taormina? Hiszen 2005-ös, tehát igencsak öregecskék a tagok?


Előzmény: Törölt nick (13375)