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Erdekes amiket irsz,kerdezem tolled ,hogy mit gondolsz milyen kovetkezmenyekkel fog jarni a mit csinalsz?Van fogalmad rolla?


Ha tudsz angolul akkor itt kuldom neked a definiciot,;


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A fakir (Persian: فقیر ) is a Sufi or Hindu ascetic mendicant, especially one who performs feats of endurance or apparent magic. [1] Derived from faqiri (Arabic), Lit: poverty. [2]

The word is usually used to refer to either the spiritual recluse or eremite or the common street beggar who chants holy names, scriptures or verses. Its current idiomatic usage developed primarily in Mughal-era India, where the term was injected into local idiom through the Persian-speaking courts of Muslim rulers. When used referring to somber spiritual miracle-makers, fakir is applied primarily to Sufi, but also Hindu, ascetics.

Many stereotypes of the great fakir exist, among the more extreme being the picture of a near-naked man effortlessly walking barefoot on burning coals, sitting or sleeping on a bed of nails, levitating during bouts of meditation, or "living on air" (refusing all food). It is also used, usually sarcastically, for a common street beggar who chants holy names, scriptures or verses without ostensibly having any spiritual advancement.


Ps.vigyazz magadra!

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