HPéter1978 Creative Commons License 2006.08.02 0 0 45

Marc Biver is appointed as General manager of the Astana team by the prime Minister of Kazakhstan, Danial Akhmetov, who is also chairman of their Cycling Federation. In the past he was a.o. director of the Tour de Suisse and the Tour de Romandie. Walter Godefroot, earlier manager of T-Mobile, will be sport director and the office of the team will be situated soon in Neuchâtel (Switzerland). The team will have a 100% Kazakh licence, at least 6 riders from Kazakhstan and is applying for a Pro Tour licence.

Marc Bivert (korábban a Svájci és Romandiai kör igazgatója volt) nevezték ki az Astana igazgatójának. Godefroot lesz a sportigazgató, az iroda Svájcban lesz.
100%-ig Kazah licenszel mennek majd, és legalább 6 kazah versenyző lesz a csapatban.