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Tanulságos történet Amerikából, amely a világ vezető hatalma:
Do you think that with the cost of oil going up and up every day that people will want to drive everywhere by car? It costs me $40 to get gas for my car and I have only a pension. I must go very short trips only and only when necessary. We have no local trains and only few local buses which sometimes just don't come when they are supposed to come. It is a private company that runs the buses and they are paid by the local government to run a service but if they cancel a bus a few times a day, they save fuel and still get paid -- so they have plenty of excuses why the bus didn't run but I know the real reason. Because the private company is doing a dirty deal to the local government because there are friends -- you know how that works. It is much worse in capitalism than in socialism. Socialism they apologize when there is no bus. Capitalism they just laugh at you and tell you to buy a car to support the economy.
(Idézet Jim Warsher mai leveléből) |