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Yin is Yang es Yan is Ying




"Suppose you and I argue

and you win.

Are you right and am I wrong?

If I had won,

Woud I have been right and you wrong?

Are we both partly right and partly wrong?

Are we both all right and all wrong?

If you and I cannot see the truth,

Whom shall I ask to be the judge?

Shall I ask someone who agrees with you?

If he already agrees with you can he be a fair judge ?

Shall I ask someone who agrees with me?

If he already agrees with me can he be a fair judge?

Shall I ask someone who disagrees with both of us?

If he already disagrees with both of us can he be a fair judge?

Shall I ask someone who agrees with both of us?

If he already agrees with both of us,can he be a fair judge?

If you and I and others cannot decide,

Where shall we find a judge?

Waiting for changing opinions is waiting for nothing .

Seeing everithing in relationto the heavenly cosmos

And leaving the different viewpoints as they are

We may be able to live out our years.

What do I mean

By seeing things in relation to the heavenly cosmos?

Consider right and wrong ,being and non-being.

If right is indeed right,

There need be no argument

About how it is different from non-being.

Forget time,forget distinction,

Enjoy the infinite;rest in it.


Chuang -Tzu