love cat Creative Commons License 2006.07.14 0 0 12985

The nice sleeve and title of this tribute album speak for themselves : yes, it includes covers from Disintegration only ! Great idea, even before listening to it ! The first impression is good, and fortunately the music too : eleven songs well played in a punk-hardcore mood most people should enjoy. The best tracks are probably the surprising noisy version of Prayers for rain by Compression, the strange experimental electro-acoustic version of Disintegration by Converge, the barely recognizable trash version of Pictures of you by Bad Luck Thirteen Riot Extravaganza (!), the speed-trash-punk cover of Lullaby by Voice Of Reason (2 minutes only !), and the pure hardcore rendition of Untitled by Together We Fall... This is probably a must-have for everyone loving the best album of our favorite band. Cave In, Plainsong ; Chimaira, Fascination street ; Compression, Prayers for rain ; Another Nothing, The same deep water as you ; Neck, Last dance ; Converge, Disintegration ; Bad Luck Thirteen Riot Extravaganza, Pictures of you ; Home Thirty Three, Homesick ; Together We Fall, Untitled ; Voice Of Reason, Lullaby ; When Fear And Weapons Meet, Closedown. CD (ref. Too Damn Hype Recording TDH38, United States, 2000, duration 47:00).

Előzmény: Törölt nick (12984)