wainnalahulahafizun Creative Commons License 2006.06.26 0 0 165

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Somalia's Islamists to stone rapists to death


Somalia's newly powerful Islamists on Monday said they will stone to death five rapists, in what some fear is the latest sign of a plan to install an Islamic regime.

The punishments, like others carried out by the Islamists in their sharia courts in the capital Mogadishu and elsewhere follow the naming of Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys -- on a U.N. list of a so called al Qaeda associates -- to a top post over the weekend.

Aweys, a former army colonel who in the 1990s led militant Islamists in failed campaigns in Somalia but has denied any al Qaeda links, was named head of the Council of Islamic Courts.

"Five men who raped four women on June 22 will be stoned to death today in accordance with the Islamic sharia. They have pleaded guilty to the crime and also have been identified by the victims," Siyad Mohamed, a militia leader linked to Islamic courts, said.