totzoli Creative Commons License 2006.05.18 0 0 337

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Innen: FED szériaszámok

1934 SN 000031 - 004000
1935 SN 004001 - 016000
1936 SN 016001 - 031000
1937 SN 031001 - 053000
1938 SN 053001 - 082000
1939 SN 082001 - 116000
1940 SN 116001 - 148000
1941 SN 148001 - 175000
1942 - 45
(World War Two)
1946 SN 175001 - 176000
1947 SN 176001 - 186000
1948 SN 186001 - 203000
1949 SN 203001 - 221000
1950 SN 221001 - 248000
1951 SN 248001 - 289000
1952 SN 289001 - 341000
1953 SN 341001 - 424000
1954 SN 424001 - 560000
1955 SN 560001 - 700000

Please note that these serial numbers are approximate estimate of years of production.