Drága Szmonique!
Csak Neked...Csak Most...Csak Itt... (csak eredetien:-))
You who didn't now how to recognize me
Ignorant of my life, this monastery, I have
In front of me, a door half open
on a "perhaps"
Even if I have to start all over.
You who didn't believe my solitude
Ignorant of it's cries, it's hard angles, I have
In my heart a string a miniscule
Moon filament
That sustains there, a diamond that is wearing out
But that nonetheless loves
I didn't choose to be so
But it's there, the Innamoramento
Love, death, perhaps
To suspend time for a word
Everything expands and gives in to all
It's there, the Innamoramento
All it's being is imposed to us
To find at last perhaps an echo
You whou didn't see the other side of..
My memory of condemned doors, i have
Inside me the treasures of the past
The hutful years
Please believe me, it has to cease
I who didn't see the sky, I've
In front of me a door ajar, but
The unknown has killed more than one heart
And it's soulmate
One awaits ot, one waits for it, one even flees from it even, yet one loves..
(mondjuk, nagyon így sem értem, de állítólag az "Innamoramento", mint olasz kifejezés egy újonnan született szerelmet jelent... a dal talán erről szól: mely érzéseket tárni fel a másik számára... de lehet, hogy tévedek :-( )