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Harold II GODWINESON (King) of ENGLAND (GODWINSON); (while prisoner of Wm of Normandy, he agreed Wm was the heir to England, but despite his lack of royal blood Harold was made King on the death of Edward Confessor; in 1066 defeated a large Norse Army at Battle of Stamford Bridge, but his weakened army was then no match for the Normans invading from the other direction)
Born: abt. 1022 Died: 14 Oct 1066 k. at Battle of Hastings
HM George I's 19-Great Uncle. Poss. Lady Diana's 24-Great Grandfather. Poss. PM Churchill's 25-Great Grandfather. Poss. Geo Washington's 22-Great Grandfather. Poss. my 28-Great Grandfather. Wife/Partner: Ealdgyth (Edith) `Swan-neck' of MERCIA Child: Gytha (Princess) of WESSEX ______ ______ ______ ______ _____ _____ _____ _____ ____ ___ ___ / -- Eadric (Earldorman) of WESSEX + ==&=> [ 200 ,g,BD,&] / -- Aethelwerd I (Earldorman) of WESSEX (? - 998+) / -- Aethelgifu / -- Aethelmar Cild (Theigh) of SUSSEX (? - 1016?) / -- Aethelflaed / -- Wulfnoth Cild (Theign) of SUSSEX (983? - ?) / -- Aethelthrith / -- Godwin (Godwine) of WESSEX (1001? - 1053) | / -- Sveyn I HARALDSSON + ====> [ 203 ,g,t,&] | -- Thyra SVENDSDATTER av DANMARK (? - 1018) | | or: (Miss) of WESSEX / -- Frilla - Harold II GODWINESON (King) of ENGLAND / -- Styrbiorn OLAFSSON (King?) of SWEDEN + ====> [ 192 ,,pt,&] | / -- Thorkill (Thorkils) `Sprakalaeg' (Jarl) STYBIORNSSON | / -- Thyra HARALDSDOTTIR + ====> [ 203 ,g,t,&] -- Gytha THORKILSDOTTIR av SKANE (997? - ?) -- Sigrid (SPRAKLING ?) | OR: poss. Thyra HARALDSDOTTIR + ====> [ 204 ,g,T,&] |