2005 Szeged DVD verziói:
Taint verzió
Első verzió: Soundcheck nélküli 1 dvd
Dallista: Open, Fascination Street, From the Edge of the Deep Green Sea, alt.end, The Blood, The End of the World, Inbetween days, Shake Dog Shake, U sor Them, A Night Like This, Push, Friday I’m in Love, Just Like Heaven, A Letter To Elise, Lullaby, Never Enough, Signal to Noise, The Baby Screams
Második verzió: Soundcheckkel Dallista fent olvasható
Még nem tudom kinek a verziója: 2 dvd
dvd1: Open, Fascination Street, From The Edge of the Deep Green Sea, alt.end, The End of the World, Inbetween Days, U sor Them, A Night Like This, Friday I’m in Love
dvd2: Just Like Heaven, A Letter to Elise, Lullaby, Signal to noise, The Baby Screams, 100 yrs, Shiver and Shake, End, Play for Today, A Forest, Boys Don’t cry
Jakso verzió 1 dvd
Open, Fascination Street (cut at the end), From The Edge Of The Deep Green Sea, alt.end, The Blood, Shake Dog Shake, A Night Like This, Push, Friday I'm in Love, A Letter To Elise, Lullaby, Signal The Noise, Shiver and Shake, End, At Night
Fki és barátai verzió 1 dvd
Shake Dog Shake (részlet) Signal To Noise (részlet) The Baby Screams, One Hundred Years, Shiver And Shake, End (részlet) At Night , M , Play For Today , A Forest , The Drowning Man , Faith, Three Imaginary Boys ,Grinding Halt ,Boys Don't Cry ,10:15 Saturday Night ,Kissing An Arab
Soundcheck: Kb: 20 perc felvette Jakso