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Subj: Turkish-Hungarian vocabulary comparison
Date: Fri, 19 Mar 1993 21:08:25 -0800
Sender: Turkish Cultural Program List
From: Al Trh
To: Suleyman Sadi SEFEROGLU

The following is a list of basic Turkish words (mainly
verbs) and similar languages in the Hungarian language.

I compiled the list with assistance from the followers
of soc.culture.magyar.


Here is the summary

Istanbul American Hungarian
Turkish English
------- ---------- -----------
ach open .........
ak flow .........
al take, buy .........
an remember, cite .........
as hang .........
at throw .........
az become furious, mad .........
bak look .........
bas step, press .........
bay make sbdy. pass out ba'j charm, cause faint
bich cut (grass, cloth) .........
bIch cut (wood, etc) .........
bil know bir have the power
bin mount, ride .........
bit grow (for plants) .........
bit end .........
boz spoil, break down .........
bo"l divide .........
bur wring,twist(helically).........
bu"k bend, twist .........
cay give up .........
chak strike together, nail .........
chal play (an instrument) .........
chal steal csal cheat
charp slap, hit, run into csap slap, hit, strike
chat fit together; build csat buckle
chek pull .........
chel trip (verb) .........
chim bathe .........
cho"k squat; collapse .........
cho"z untie .........
de say .........
del bore (a hole) .........
der collect .........
desh open up(a hole,wound) .........
dik erect; plant .........
dil slice .........
din end .........
diz put in order .........
dogh be born (i.e. child) .........
dogh rise (sun) .........
dol get filled tel fill, full
doy get full (stomach) .........
do"gh beat .........
do"k pour .........
dur stop .........
duy hear .........
du"r fold tu"r fold
ek plant (plants) .........
em suck emlo" tit, nipple
er reach e'r reach
es blow (for wind) .........
esne yawn a'shi't yawn
esh dig a'sh dig
et do .........
ez crush .........
gel come jer, gyer come
ger stretch .........
gez walk around; travel .........
git go gyi go [for horses]
go"r see .........
ich drink isz drink
in ascend; go down .........
it push .........
kal stay .........
kar mix kavar, kever stir
kat add .........
kay slide; ski .........
kaz dig .........
kIr break to"r break
kIs squeeze;pinch;diminish .........
kIy mince .........
kIz grow hot; get angry tu"z fire (noun & vb. root)
kosh run .........
kur erect; wind .........
ogh scrub; polish .........
oku read .........
on get better .........
oy carve .........
o"l die o"l kill
o"p kiss .........
o"r weave .........
o"t sing (for a bird) .........
sal let go .........
sar wrap .........
sat sell .........
say count sza'm number (noun)
say respect .........
sek skip szo"k skip, jump
sil erase .........
sok insert .........
so"gh swear .........
so"k rip open; tear down .........
tak attach .........
tat taste .........
tut hold tart hold
tu"t give off smoke .........
yak burn .........
yat lay .........
yaz write .........
yogh condense .........
yoghur knead gyu'r knead, squeeze
yont cut, chip .........

Also compare
sayI number sza'm number
sayIm counting, poll, census .....

Possible borrowings from Turkish:

Turkish American Hungarian English
(mainly English
-------- --------------------- ---------- --------

bas press, step basz sex act
bIchak knife bicsak,bicska folding knife
(bIchkI saw .......
....... csa'ka'ny pickaxe
chalan striking csala'n nettle
chalI bush, shrub; thicket
(IsIrgan nettle .......)
betik (1) book betu" letter, character
eke let him sow eke plough
kechi goat kecske she-goat
koch ram kos he-goat
teke he-goat .......
koy sheep (asiatic Tr.)
koyun sheep
arpa barley a'rpa oats
yulaf oats
..... gyu'mo'lcs fruit
meyve fruit ......
yemish fruit ......
...... szo"lo" vine, grapes
u"zu"m grapes .......
asma grape vine .......
to"re (2) custom to"rve'ny law
tu"zu"k by-law ......
yasa (2) law
yas (3) mourning gya'sz mourning
batur (4) brave ba'tor brave

1- The Turkish word may be from Chinese " piet "
=brush. "pitimek", "betimek" was to write in old Turkish

2- To"re is thought to be from Mongolian " to"ru "=law,
rule, custom. Yasa is also through Mongolian.

3- Thought to be from Arabic " ye's " = grief.

4- Old Turkish, used only as a last name these days. May
exist in Asiatic Turkish dialects. Varients: batIr,

Subj: Macarca'daki TUrkCe Kelimeler
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 1993 13:11:45 PST
Sender: Turkish Cultural Program List
From: "hq.ggg"
To: Suleyman Sadi SEFEROGLU

FORWARDED MESSAGE 03/22/93 09:03 FROM "Haldun
Haznedar": Macarca'daki TUrkCe Kelimeler

A. Toprak'In soc.culture.magyar'dan derlediGi Macarca'daki TUrkCe sOzcukler
listesine a$aGIdakileri de girebiliriz:

arIk > arok
arpa > arpa
balta > balta
bitik > betU
buGday > buza
burCak > borso
buzaGI > borju
dana > tino
deniz > tenger
deve > teve
dingil > tengely
elma > alma
erdem > erdem
es (us) > esz
gObek > kOldOk
ikiz > iker
kapI > kapu
kepenek > kOpOnyeg
koCan > kocsany
kurum > korom
Odh (zaman) > idO
oGlak > ollo
OkUz > OkOr
sakal > szakal
sarI > sarga
saz (Camur) > sar
sIrt > szirt
sirke (bit yumurtasI) > serke
tanIk > tanu
tarla > tarlo
tekne > teknO
yaka (boyun) > nyak
yapaGI > gyapju
yel > szel
yUksUk > gyUszU

Macarca'nIn TUrkCe ile ilk etkile$imi OsmanlIlar'dan yUzyIllar Oncesine Hunlar
zamanIna rastlIyor. Bu dilde o zamanlardan kalan tabakalarI incelediGimizde
birkaC yUz sOzcUk verdiGimiz gOrUlUyor. Buna kar$IlIK Macarca'dan OdUnC
aldIGImIz ve bugUn kullanIlan yalnIzca 5 sOzcUk var:

katana < katona
sala$ < szallas
soba < szoba
$arampol < sorompo
varo$ < varos

Belki bir de `kopCa'.

Macarca'daki TUrkCe alIntIlar konusunda bu yUzyIlIn ba$larIndan itibaren
O. Abel, O. AsbOth, G. Barczi, J. Budenz, L. Fekete, Z. Kakuk, I. Kunos,
R. N. Laszlo, L. Ligeti, M. Munkacsi, G. Nemeth, N. L. Rasony, G. Zoltan
gibi Macar bilim adamlarI bilhassa, hepsi Budape$te'de yayImlanan, Acta
Linguistica Hungarica, Acta Orientalia Hungarica, Keleti Szemle, Magyar Nyelv
gibi Ce$itli dergilerde birCok bildiriler yayImlamI$lardIr.