davina Creative Commons License 2006.01.22 0 0 260

én lassan már csak vegetálok, sűrű honap ez a január :)

addig is on:


Next FLA-album in april. Posted 2006-01-21 by Micke Our former admin Henrik posted a message on the forum with some interesting info:

"FACTS: The FLA album releasedate is now set to late APRIL 2006. It's gonna be the heaviest record in a long time. Bill has currently no plans to let it be the last FLAlbum.
update on this post might come in soon.

'The Videos / Live Wired' 2DVD: it depends on getting all the tapes, I personally think releasing this baby in time with the tour would be best and I'm pushing for it...."

He also writes about maybe recording a tour dvd... stay tuned.

FLA playing M'era Luna! Posted 2006-01-20 by Micke Finally a big festival name! Leeb&Co will join in together with, among others, Nitzer Ebb and In Strict Confidence making this years edition of the german festival a potential classic.


Affected page: Music Projects > Front Line Assembly > Live Shows > 2006 Summer tour.

Előzmény: scatman (259)