Kapcsolódva ALINEI kontinuitás-elméletéhez ( TURÁNIAK-MAGYAROK-ETRUSZKOK):"6000 B.C. As early herdsmen and farmers from the north filter into
Tigris and Euphrates River basins, villages and towns appear.
Stockbreeding, grain cultivation, and irrigation evolve to form the
agricultural basis of the prehistoric Ubaid culture."
The term "north" is being used here to describe the "place' from which
Sumerians came into so-called "Mesopotamia" although where exactly in
the "north" is not identified. In the "north", the people who were
doing the stockbreeding, that is, mostly cattle, sheep, horse breeding,
etc., were the Tur/Turk peoples who were all over the
steppes of so-called "Eurasia" extending from the heart of Central
Asia to Europe before the "Aryans" (from Turkish "Ariyan") were
around. Somehow the use of Tur/Turk name is always avoided. The
author continues:
"3500 B.C. Irrigation systems create the food surpluses needed to
nurture the world's first cities. Their inhabitants, the Sumerians,
invent writing, a cornerstone of civilization. A powerful priesthood
emerges to serve local deities, whose temples dominates each city."
Central Asia (i.e., Turan), where Tur/Turks live since ancient times
up to now, still have some remnants of ancient irrigation systems,
both above ground and underground waterways. [2] These are called in
Turkish "ARK" (ARIK) and "KANAT" systems respectively.
Invention of writing is possible only with a monosyllabic,
agglutinative and phonetic language, like Sumerian and Turkish.
Saying that a powerful priesthood emerged to serve local deities is
also interesting to note. I want to dwell on the name "priest" which
is said to be from Greek term "PRESBYTEROS" meaning "elder, older man"
[3]. Although he may be an older man, but he is also a privileged man
above others.
The Greek term PRESBYTEROS, when rearranged letter-by-letter as
"PER-Y-BOSSTER" where the Y is really a U and where SS is Turkish Sh,
(a trick which has been used widely in Greek anagrammatizing technique
applied to Turkish), and read phonetically as in Turkish, is the
restructured and disguised Turkish expression "BIR-O BAShTIR" ("BIR-O
BAShTUR) meaning "BIR-O is the Head" referring to:
a) "Sky-God "BIR-O" being the top. Terms, such as, PERU and PHAROAH,
that we are all so familiar with, are sourced from this Turkish BIR-O.
The Turkish expression "BIR-O" refers to the "Sky-God" in ancient and
modern Turkish culture. When this name is invoked, the forefinger in a
clenched hand points to the sky.
b) "BIR-O BAShTUR" also says that "BIR-O" is the 'head" of man" which
again equates the "human head" as being parallel to "BIR-O" the
Sky-God. The human head is a thinker and hence is a creator. This
one-liner philosophy of life in Turkish is also present in the name
AMEN (the ancient Masarian Sky-God's name AMUN) which is the same as
Turkish "O-MEN" meaning "He is me" and "I am Him". It is also
embedded in the Turkish name OGUZ which not only refers to the Sky-God
but also AGUZ - the human mouth or human speech (i.e., language), and
also O-GÖZ - referring to the human "eyes", and also "AG-ÜZ"
(AK-YÜZ) referring to the human "face" - all of which again are parts
of the human "head" which the Sky-God was envisioned to have also. The
ancient Greeks took this Turkish expression "BIR-O BAShTUR" and coded
it into the "Greek" word PRESBYTEROS.
Thus this very ancient Turanian religious concept defines not only the
Sky-God but also the "human being" in relation to the "Sky-God". The
concept that "God created Man in his own image" must originate from
this ancient Turkic and Turanian source indicating that Turanians
created the concept of Sky-God. The Turanian name "Asia" (AS-OY),
meaning "home of One" verifies this.
c) The English word "priest", shortened from Greek PRESBYTEROS, which
is from Turkish "BIR-O BAShTUR" still carries this ancient Turanian
concept in a distorted way whether they know its meaning or not. But
a "priest" is also a "head" of a religious gathering.
Thus the strong Sumerian "priesthod" was the one who was advocating
this religious concept of "Godhood vis-a-vis the Humanhood" in
"Sumeria" as they did in their initial homelands.
Merle Severy continues:
"3000 B.C. Ruled by newly powerful leaders, the first kings, the
cities become city-states. With lance and shield, they clash for
power. Trade blossoms with culture in Anatolia, Syria, Persia, and
the Indus Valley."
In Sumerian the "city states" are referred to as "KI" meaning
"country", that is, at least how it is decoded, but "KI" in one sense
is nothing but Turkish "KÖI" (Köy) meaning "village and country
side". Settlements in "village" (köy) is the starting point of the
"city" life as the "village" (köy) grows into a "city". Thus, the
Sumerian term "KI" (köi/köy) indicates that Sumerians were Turkic
speaking Tur/Turk peoples who started the settled living in villages
and cities.
Merle Severy continues:
"2300 B. C. Armed with spears and arrows, the Akkadians, under the
king Sargon, subdue the Sumerians, creating the first Mesopotamian
empire. After a Sumerian revival the region splinters into small
kingdoms, absorbing incursions from both east and west."
The name SARGON is essentially a Turkic name and is made up from the
Turkish expression "AS ER GUN" meaning "Peerless Man is Sun".
Evidently this ancient king deified himself after the ancient Turkish
Sun-God by using a Turkish expression as a title for himself. In
ancient Turanian tradition, kings would take such Turkish titles to
deify themselves. Similarly their country would also be named with a
sky name (gök nami). As a "wind believing" Semitic", king Sargon's
name was also in harmony with his belief. Because the name SARGON was
also harmonious with the Turkish expression "ESERGAN" ("ESERGEN")
meaning "that which blows" which is nothing but the "wind". So they
utilized the homonym feature of words in the Turkish language to
express themselves in differing ways - however most of the time in a
disguised manner.
Now after having noted this bacgkround for Sumerians and Turks, I
would like to return to your posting. You said in your posting:
> "Dr Kaya claims that Sumerian is Turanian based, while Dr. Loga
> that Sumerian is Archaic Tamil. Some others have coupled Hungarian
> to this list as well. . . . . Will appreciate your comments."
I claim Sumerian a Turanian Turkic language because there are many
linguistic and cultural evidences supporting this. I touched quite a
few of them in my previous articles on Turkish-Sumerian Kinship Part-1
to Part-3 and also in my responses to some of the readers. I will
bring to the reader's attention some more of them here.
1. The very fact that Sumerians called "God" by the name "DINGIR"
which is Tengir, Tengri, Tenger, Tengere, Tangara, Tanri among Turkish
peoples is an indisputable sign that they were the believers of the
same "God" and that they were Turanian people.
2. The Creator Sky-God in Sumerian is identified as ANU. This name is
a version of the Turkish "HAN O" (AN O) meaning "He is the Lord".
Normally, letter "H" is a silent consonant. This is another evidence
that Sumerians and Tur/Turk were the same peoples. The Turkish name
HAN-O" has also been altered into Semitic "NOAH", hence, the Turkic
HAN-O concept found in the Sumerian ANU has been altered and usurped
by Akkadians and other Semitics.
3. The very fact that their language was a syllabic, phonetic and
agglutinative language, just like Turkish is, is an indisputable sign
that their language was Turanian and most likely a form of Turkish.
4. The fact that many early Sumerian king names start with "EN", which
is the Turkish title "HAN" meaning "lord", is again a sign that they
were Tur/Turk peoples and were Turanian and that their language was
Turkish-like. Some of the early king names of Sumerian which are along
the line EN-LIL (HAN YEL) and EN-ZU (HAN SU) indicates that they were
Turkish in origin. Here I give my reading of some examples of Sumerian
king names taken from Samuel Noah Kramer's book: [4]
a) "ENMENLUANNA", when this composite name is separated into its
monosyllabic components as "EN-MEN-LU-AN-NA", it is seen that it is
from Turkish expression "HEN-MEN-ULU-AN-NA" ("HAN MEN ULU ANNI")
meaning "I am Lord from Great Sky".
In this Sumerian king's title/name, EN is the same as Turkish HEN/HAN
meaning "lord"; MEN is Tr. MEN meaning "I" or "I am"; LU is from Tr.
"ULU meaning "great"; AN is ancient Tr. "AN" meaning "sky". "AN" is
also a form of Turkish "HAN" meaning "palace", a space we live in,
sky "DOME" (Tr. DAM) in and/or under which we live; NA is from
Turkish suffix NI used mostly in Azerbaijan Turkish corresponding to
another Turkish suffix LI (LU, LÜ) meaning "from" as in Turkish
"TURANNI" versus "TURANLI" meaning "from Turan". When monosyllabic
Turkish words are joined together like this by the readers of
Sumerian, the resultant composite word has the effect of appearing
totally alien to present day Turkish readers. Joining several Turkish
words together to make new names and/or words is one of the tricks of
anagrammatizers in disguising the Turkish source material.
b) "ENMENGALANNA", in its monosyllabic components as
AN NI) meaning "I am Lord Castle from Sky" or "I am Mighty Lord from
Sky" where GALA means "castle".
c) "ENMEDURANNA, in its monosyllabic components as "EN ME-DUR-AN-NA",
is from Turkish "HEN ME-DUR-AN-NA" (HAN MA TUR AN NI) meaning "Lord
Magnificent TUR from Sky". Also meaning "Magnificent Lord from TURAN".
d) "ENSHAKUSHANNA" who described himself as "EN of Sumer" [5], that
is, "Lord of Sumer" hence "EN" and Turkish "HAN" are the same. The
king name ENSHAKUSHANNA, when separated into its monosyllabic
components as "EN-SHA-KUSH-AN-NA" can be read as Turkish:
d.1) "HAN IShU KUSh AN NI" (Han ISHU KUSH AN-NI) meaning "Lord
Light-Bird From Sky" referring to the Sun and its light. Sun
metaphorically is a "bird" in the sky. That is why it was represented
with a white "goose", i.e., Turkish "GAZ/KAZ"; "O-GAZ" which is
homonym with the name OGUZ. Similarly Turkish "O-KUSh" meaning "that
Bird" is homonym with OKUS/OGUZ.
d.2) "HAN IShU KUZ AN NI" (Han ISHU KÖZ AN-NI) meaning "Lord
Light-Fire From Sky" referring to Sun and its light.
d.3) "HAN IShU KUZ AN NI" (Han ISHU GÖZ AN-NI) meaning "Lord
Light-Eye From Sky" referring to Sun.and it being the Eye of the
All of these names tie this Sumerian king to the Turkish name OGUZ and
thus to the Sky-God and Sun-God. Similarly many other Sumerian king
names start with "EN", that is, Turkish "HAN" which is also written as
"KHAN" in many other languages. The reason why these names are not
recognizable as Turkish is because all of the Turkish monosyllabic
words describing the Sumerian kings are joined together so that they
are not visible as Turkish anymore.
In Turkish OGUZ-KAGAN Epic, Oguz Kagan had six sons whose names were:
GÜN HAN" (Han-Gün) meaning the "Sun Lord";
AY HAN (Han-Ay) meaning "Moon Lord";
ILDUZ-HAN (Yildiz Han or Han-Ilduz) meaning "Star Lord";
DAG-HAN (Han Dag) meaning "Mountain Lord" or EN-KI;
DENIZ HAN (Han-Deniz, Han-Su) meaning "Water Lord" (Sea Lord, EN-Zu);
and GÖK HAN (Han-Gök, Han-Göy) meaning "Sky-Lord".
All of these make Sumerians and Turanians kin and Tur/Turk peoples. In
other words, they were one and the same. And many more king names like
these clearly establish the Sumerians as being Turanian Tur/Turk Oguz
Similarly there are some Sumerian king names that start with "AL" such
as ALULIM, ALALGAR, and others, which is again Turkish in origin and
signifies not only the SUN but also the national "colour" of Tur/Turk
peoples, that is, red.
5. The fact that Sumerians used the term AGA describing a 'lord" or
"lordly" person is indisputable evidence that they were Tur/Turk
peoples because the word AGA is unquestionably Turkish.
6. The so-called Sumerian word "LUGAL" meaning "king" is not
necessarily a true Sumerian word. The term LUGAL is most likely an
altered Turkish expression restructured by the readers of the Sumerian
texts. This can be seen clearly as follows:
The Sumerian sign for the concept of LUGAL is a representation of a
"crown" over a "man" sign. Turkish "ULU AGA" meaning "great lord" is
definitely the "king" concept which is represented with the "crown"
symbol used in the Sumerian sign for LUGAL. This Turkish expression
"ULU-AGA" has been reduced to "LUGA" by those who read the
Turkish-Sumerian language. The final "L" in the word LUGAL represents
the "man" aspect which is said to be "LU" meaning "man" in Sumerian.
This word LU is again hiding behind another Turkish word. That
Turkish word is "OLA" meaning "man".
The most widely used Turkish word meaning "man" is "ER" but choosing
ER would give away its Turkishness much more readily than choosing
"OLA". So "OLA" has been chosen by the decipherers of the Sumerian
sign for "man" and is reduced to "L" in the name. In present day
Turkish OLA has the forms of ULA, OLA, ULAN and OGLAN meaning "man".
(Presently, the word ULA is used in a well known Turkish song: "ULA
ULA NE OLDI SAA" meaning "man man what happened to you?") Thus it can
confidently be said that the Sumerian word "LUGAL" has all the signs
of having been restructured from Turkish expression "ULU AGA OLA"
meaning "Great Lord Man" which is a fitting description for a "king".
In Sumerian "AGA" (A-GI) is indicated by C. J. Gadd as meaning "crown,
tiara". [6] But a "crown" is always associated with a "lord" person
which the Turkish word "AGA" represents.
The Sumerian sign for "AGA" is most enlightening. It is the drawing of
a mighty man with a cuneiform inscription written on his chest. [7] The
cuneiform "UTU" sign is written on his chest which has a "dot" in it
representing the concept of "ONE" (Turkish "BIR" meaning "one" and
"unity") indicative of the universal Sky-God. Sumerian "ANU" the
creator Sky-God was "one". English word ONE and Sumerian ANU seem to be
very related, just like the Turkish numeral BIR is very related to
Sky-God "BIR-O". There is a "crown" symbol on the "UTU" symbol written
on the Sumerian "AGA" sign which makes "UTU" the "King UTU" or the
"Great Lord Sun God".
Additionally, this "UTU sign with a "dot" in the center is the symbol
of an "EYE" which is "GOZ" (GÖZ) in Turkish. The symbol "GÖZ" refers
to SUN (UTU) being the "EYE" (Turkish "O-GÖZ" and hence "OGUZ") of the
Sky-God in ancient Turanian religion. Thus the sign written on the
chest of the "AGA" symbol reads "ULU-AGA-BIR-UTU" in Turkish which has
very lofti meanings embedded in it as follows:
6.a) "ULU-AGA-BIR-U-TU" (Ulu Aga Bir-O du) meaning "Great Lord is ONE"
referring to universal creator Sky-God ("Gök-Tengri);
6.b) "ULU-AGA-BIR-UTU" (Ulu Aga Bir UTU) meaning "Great Lord is ONE
Sun-God" referring to Sun;
6.c) "ULU-AGA-BIR-UT-U" (Ulu Aga Bir OD) meaning "That Great Lord is
One Fire" referring to Sun;
6.d) "ULU-AGA-BIR-UT-U" (O Ulu Aga Bir UT) meaning "That Great Lord is
6.e) "ULU-AGA-BIR-U'TU" (Ulu Aga Bir O'du) meaning "He is One Great
Lord" referring to the "AGA" person who is carrying this symbol on his
All of these meanings embedded in one small Turkish expression not
only describe the Sky-God concept of the ancient Turanian religion but
also help the "AGA" person to boast that "he is the only great lord"
among the mortals representing the Sky-God, Sun-God, a bull, a fire and
Of course we are not told about all of these definitions of the
Sumerian "AGA" sign as I did above. Hence these are new insights. John
L. Hayes dwells on this term AGA together with the KI sign as follows:
"ki . . . aga2 The verb meaning "to love" is written [a Sumerian sign]
and [another Sumerian sign[. Most Sumerologists believe that both
writings represent /ki....aga/. The first writing is to be understood
as: ki....aga2, and the second as: ki....ag-ga. This means that the
[aga sign] has two values: ag and aga2. The problem of the overhanging
vowel" in such cases will be discussed in Lesson 11.
It is not clear what the two elements of this compound verb mean. The
most common meaning of Aga2 is "to measure" (the Akkadian equivalent
is MADADU), but it can also mean "to mete out". The most common
meaning of KI is "earth". It is hard to say how an expression like
"to measure the earth" could come to mean "to love". Either the word
KI, "earth", had some other meaning, not known to us, or else the
element KI in KI...AGA2 is an entirely different root KI (that is, a
The most common Akkadian equivalent of KI...AGA2 is "RAMU, "to love"."
This excerpt from John L. Hayes in simple terms says that
Sumerologists do not know the real meaning of this Sumerian sign. But
I have just explained for them the real meaning of the sign AGA above.
7. As for the Sumerian sign KI, I say that it has the following
a) KI stands for Turkish "KaIa" (kaya, gaya) meaning "great rock"
which, in one sense, refers to the "Earth". This name is also given as
"GAYA" in Hesiod's Creation epic "THEOGONY" where it is referred to as
the "goddess of Earth" [9];
b) KI stands phonetically for Turkish "KöI" (GÖY, GÖK) meaning
c) KI stands phonetically for Turkish "KöI" (KÖY) meaning "village,
city and country"; and
d) additionally it has the phonetic value of KI which corresponds to
Turkish KI suffix meaning "that" as in Turkish "dedi ki" meaning "he
said that".
With these Turkic meanings attributed to the Sumerian sign KI, we have
now a better understanding of this Sumerian sign.
8. The very fact that Turkish GOD name TUR has been used in the
Sumerian Text as "Dingir TUR AN HAN ZU" which has been suppressed and
presented to us in the form of "Dingir AMAR Dingir EN-ZU" is
indisputable evidence that Sumerians were Turkish speaking peoples in
spite of the fact that the name TUR was intentionally eliminated and
sidetracked by the readers of the Sumerian texts. The Turkish name TUR
when it appears as in "O TUR" meaning "he/she/it is" represents the
concept of "BEING". However, it also says that "He/She/It is TUR"
referring to the Sky-God. In the Turanian religious concept Sky-God
does not have a gender. It can be a "HE", a "SHE" or "IT" but all
being represented with the Turkish word "O".
9. The fact that MARDUK replaces Sumerian AMAR.UTU meaning "young
bull" which is the same as Turkish "EMER UT U" Meaning "He is a
suckling cattle" is indisputable evidence that Sumerian was ancient
Turkish. Additionally AMAR UTU" is also Turkish "MA ER UTU"
(AY-MEN-OD O) meaning "MOON-MAN-UTU", thus referring to the ancient
Turanian trinity Sky-God concept, that is, Moon-God, Sky-Father-God,
Sun-God (Ay-Tanri, Gök-ATA-Tanri, Gün-Tanri respectively in Turkish.
This is again makes me to claim that Turkish was Sumerian and Sumerian
was Turkish. The Akkadians destroyed the ancient Turanian OGUZ TUR
religion, dethroned the Sun-God UTU and the Sky-God TUR and then
installed the Wind-God ENLIL and MARDUK as the supreme deities.
However all of these names originating from ancient Turkish.
10. The fact that ENLIL is Turkish HAN-YEL makes me claim that Turkish
was the language being spoken at the time of Sumerians and that
Sumerian was a form of Turkish and Turanian.
11. The fact that SHAMASH, the Akkadian name for Sun, is the distorted
form of Turkish "ISHAMASH" (ISHIMISH) meaning "alighted, glowing"
referring to the "SUN"; and that ISHTAR the consort of SHAMASH, is the
distorted form of the Turkish word "ESHTUR" meaning "She is mate, she
is wife, she is mother", and "She is Mate of TUR", and also "ISHITUR"
meaning "It is Light" which, of course, is the inseparable mate of the
Sun, makes me claim that Turkish was the spoken language at the time of
Sumerians and Akkadians and that the Sumerian language was kin to
12. The fact that INANNA was the Sumerian word corresponding to
ISHTAR, and INANNA is the same as the Turkish "HAN-ANNA" (Han Anne)
meaning "Lord Mother" or "AN ANNA" meaning "Sky mother" makes me claim
that Turkish was there at the time of Sumerians and that Turkish was
the language that was spoken by the world at that time. The Akkadians
destroyed that Turanian civilization by force and by altering the
language. The Akkadians then looted the whole Turanian civilization,
that is, religion, language, traditions, laws and everything else.
13. The fact that the name BABYLON is from "BAB-ILIM" (KA-DINGIR-RA),
and BAB-ILIM being from Turkish "BABA ILIM" meaning "My Father Land"
makes me claim that Turkish was the spoken language at the time of
Sumerians and Akkadians. And Akkadians took advantage of all words
and expressions of this Turanian language and forged a language for
themselves from Turko-Sumerian. Please see my papers regarding the
"Tower of Babel" in my Polat_Kaya library.
14. The fact that there are Sumerian "LAMENTATIONS", as told by a
Sumerian who survived the death and destruction of UR by Akkadians and
other Semitics, make me think that Sumerian is not an "ISOLATE"
language and that their descendants are not dead but still living as
Turks among the Turks.
15. Sumerians are identified as calling themselves "KI-EN-GI(R)"
[10]. Even this name has the Turkish connection which I will discuss
16. The very fact that the Sumerian name BILGAMESH [11] [12] is
Turkish BILGAMESH (Bilgemish) is indisputable evidence that Sumerians
were Turanian Tur/Turk peoples. The epic name BILGAMESH (BILGEMISH)
has been intentionally portrayed as GILGAMESH, (although it is again
another Turkish expression - AGILGAMISH), and thus has been usurped
from the Tur/Turk peoples of ancient Turan by way of name alteration.
Turkish descriptive expression "BILGE KAGAN" has been used in the
Kagan titles of Uigur Turks such as: "Ay Tengride Kut Bulmish Külüg
Bilge Kagan (789-790)" and "AY Tengride Ülüg Bulmish Alp Kutlug Bilge
Kagan (795-805)". [13]
17. The fact that Sumerian kings wore conical headdress is an
indisputable sign that they were Turanian Tur/Turk peoples. Conic
headdress in many forms still adorn the heads of many Turkish men
and women in the present day Turkic world. That conical headdress also
adorns the tops of many religious monuments such as minarets of
Tur/Turk peoples everywhere. In fact those "conical" spires that
appear at the top of many religious monuments whether in Asia or
Europe is sourced from the ancient Turanian religious concept of
always pointing to the "Sky-God". This concept was so prominent in the
lives of ancient Turanians that even their single stone monuments
found throughout Asia, Europe and other locations were cut diagonally
at the top, thus making the top of the single tomb stone point to the
Sky-God. [14] [15]
18. The fact that Sumerian kings had a pair of "bull horns" wrapped
around their headdress, as also found in many Sumerian seals, is an
indisputable fact that their GOD was represented by a "BULL" icon
(Turkish OKUZ (OX) and UT) representing the Sun and the Moon. Even the
English term "ICON" (AY-KAN) is made up from Turkish "AY" (moon) +
"KUN" (sun) words. The golden "Bull" used with the famed Sumerian
"harp", that is, the musical instrument, is an indisputable sign of
this fact. [16] [17] The people of Turkmenistan still wear Moon and
Sun icons as most elaborate breastplates on their chests and heads.
In fact as the sun shines on these round golden disks of ornaments
worn by men and woman on their chest, it appears as if a "sun" is
shining from their chests (hearts). Symbolically this is nothing but
carrying the very ancient "Sun-god" (Gün-Tanri) in their hearts.
The upper part of these most colorful chest ornaments made in the
Turkic world such as the Turkish peoples of Turkmenistan and
Azerbayjan is made in the form of a "crescent moon" which embraces the
neck and face of the bearer representing the OGUZ/AGUZ God concept. In
this portrayal the Oguz Crescent embraces the "face" or the "AGUZ"
component that defines the GOD concept in a very subtle manner. In
ancient portrayals, the Sun disk was put between the horns of a "Bull"
or a crescent Moon. Even a portrayal of BUDDHA is embellished between a
pair of "bull horns" [18] as is Indian Ganesha (Tr. Gunesh). This
concept comes from "OGUZ" religion of the ancient Tur/Turk peoples of
ancient Turan. The flags of Tur/Turk peoples still carry this concept
in the form of Crescent Moon and Sun (Star) in their national emblems.
This emblem also adorns the ancient Sumerian art works and Kassite
boundary stones so-called "KUDURRU" from Turkish "ARA DURAK" (ARA
DIREK). [19] [20]
19. This concept of ONE UNIVERSAL SKY GOD adorned the headdress of the
ancient Turanians. Different groups of Turanian Tur/Turk peoples
identified themselves with different shaped headdresses carrying the
sun and crescent moon and the "ONE" (BIR) symbol of the
Sky-Father-God. The warriers wore a helmet that carried a "spire" like
pointer at the top while flaps covered the neck, ears and part of face.
20. Sumerian art work provides us with many samples of Sun disk
portrayal. They are also mostly elaborate designs of eye (Tr. GOZ)
signifying O-GOZ the Sun. For example, the Sumerian "Armband", in Iraq
Museum, (that is, if it is still there after the Iraq war) is an
excellent example of this. The very fact that the Sumerian "dingir"
sign is a "star' and/or a "rosette" form is an indication of "Sun the
"eye" (Tr. göz/köz) and hence Sun the "O-GOZ" (OGUZ). [21] [22]
On the periphery of the same armband, [23] there are additional
sun/eye embellishments each of which are surrounded by two winged men
kneeling in front of the Sun emblem who are portrayed with Turanian
headdresses. One of the Sumerian star figures shown in Figure 115 of
Zecharia Sitchin's book [24] is exactly the same as the many of the
star motives embellished on the Central Asian Pazyrik Rug of Tur/Turk
21. Mass burials found in Sumerian Royal Graves found at UR [25] are
similar to those found in Turkic Central Asia. Julian Reade writes the
following about the Royal Graves at UR. [26]
"There has been much discussion about the identity of the people
buried in these so-called Royal Graves at Ur. The original supposition
was that they were straightforward kings and queens. Parallels were
drawn with practices in several other cultures, such as those of
central Asia, where mass burials on the occasion of royal deaths have
been recorded; this was consistent with a theory that the Sumerians
themselves had reached Mesopotamia from Central Asia."
This is the kind of evidence that indicates Sumerians being Tur/Turk
peoples and the Sumerian language being Turanian.
22. Sumerian women used a headdress that carried flowers [27] [28] or
feathers from a bird, usually from owl feathers . This kind of
headdress is still worn among Turkish women throughout Central Asia
where the Turkish name BER-KUT or DUA/TUA are still used. This
bird-like arrangement at the top of the headdress that we find among
the Kirgiz, Turkmen, Kazak, Özbek and other Turkic woman folklore and
also in Anatolia (Kütahya köylerinde kadin giysilerinde örnegi bol
bulunmaktadir) was an ancient deep rooted culture that still lives on.
Additionally the multi-layered dress worn by the Sumerian women still
lives among Kirgiz and Turkmen Turks (see seal impressions) [29]. This
very ancient Turanian tradition still lives not only among the Tur/Turk
peoples but also among modern peoples of IRAQ.
The very same tradition was also lived by the ancient so-called
"Minoan" woman [30] who were again Tur/Turk peoples in the Aegean
Sea. The so-called "snake goddess" from the Palace of Minos at Kossos,
dating from c. 1600 B. C. Middle Minoan, is typical representation of
this ancient Turanian culture. [31]
The so-called Minoan culture was a totally Turanian culture. Their
dresses are still living among Kazakistan and other Turkic woman
folklore. Ancient Turanian women had two or more braids of hair
extending way back to their hips. Turanian men, particularly young
men, wore braided side-locks extending from one side of their heads.
23. Sumerian men in their gatherings are shown to be holding a
"glass" in their right hands. This is well evident in the figures of
the Standard of Ur (about 2600 B. C.). [32] This traditions has also
been indicated in the ancient Turkish "BALBAL" stones in Central Asia.
This list can be extented further explaining why Sumerians and
Tur/Turk peoples of Turan are one and the same. Sumerians were not
"dead" and neither was the Sumerian language an"isolate" language as
some "Sumerologists" would like us to believe. The view that Sumerian
is a "dead" language must have been coined to make sure that Turkish
and Sumerian are not connected. After all a whole set of new
languages have been manufactured using Turkish. It would not have
been difficult to do some alterations in the transliterations of
Sumerian texts to achieve dissimilarity between Turkish and Sumerian.
As for the name DRAVIDIAN, as the name indicates it is a TURANIAN
language. The name DRAVIDIAN is a concatenation of "DR-AV-IDI-AN"
(TUR EV IDI LER) meaning "They were TUR houses (TUR tribes)". AN in
this case is the ancient Turkish plurality suffix which is presently
Turkish LER/LAR. The speakers of Dravidians must have been the
Turanian peoples who moved into Indian and South-East Asian lands and
developed a unique culture there as well with the native peoples. But
the foundation of the religious culture seems to be Turanian in
For example, although the world famed "ANGKOR WAT" temple complex in
Campuchea is very much an Indian / Dravidian culture, we still find
the Turanian culture traces in the names of the temple complex. The
name "PREAH KHAN" [33] given to one of the temples in the complex
must have been named after the Turkish name "BIR O KHAN" meaning "Only
Him is Lord" or "That ONE is Lord" referring to the ancient Turanian
Sky-God (Gök Tanri).
Similarly the name "ANGKOR", although the article defines this name as
meaning "the city" or "the capital" [34], it must be from Turkish
"AN-G-KOR" meaning "Sky Lord is Fire" referring to the SUN. In the
name "AN-G-KOR" the letter "G" stands for Turkish "AGA" meaning
"Lord", or "GUN KOR" meaning "Sun is Fire". It is curious that even
the present Turkish capital is named "ANKARA". Is this a coincidence?
I would think not. The name TANGARA meaning "GOD" (Tengir, Tengri,
Tanri, Tangara in Turkish, Dingir in Sumerian) is found as a name of
GOD in the native cultures of some of the Pacific islands as well.
Thus this very ancient Turanian religion and its word TENGIR, TENGRI,
DINGIR, TANGAR, TANGAR, TANRI for GOD was a widely followed world
As I have noted before, the Sumerians were Turanian Tur/Turk peoples
and their descendants are still Tur/Turk peoples. The present
Azerbaijan and Eastern Anatolian Turkish dialects are the closest to
Sumerian. The portrayal of Sumerians as a "dead" people and the
portrayal of the Sumerian language as having no "known kin" is false
and is most likely a politically motivated misrepresentation. The
Sumerians invented so many things and gave so much to the world that
modern civilization is mostly based on their creations. The
presentation of Sumerian deities (i.e., their Sky Gods) under an
Assyro-Babylonian "umberalla" is, in one sense, obliteration of the
original Sumerian pantheon, and in another sense, is daylight
plagiarism of this ancient Turanian intellectual legacy.
[1] Merle Severy, Iraq Crucible of Civilization", National Geographic,
Vol. 179, No. 5, May, 1991, p. 106.
[2] "Türk Dünyasi El Kitabi", Türk Kültürünü Arastirma
Yayinlari: 121, Cilt I, Ankara 1992, p. 222.
[3] Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, Fifth Edition, 1947, p. 787.
[4] Samuel Noah Kramer, "The Sumerians", The University of Chicago
Press, Chicago and London, 1963, p. 328.
[5] Samuel Noah Kramer, "The Sumerians", The University of Chicago
Press, Chicago and London, 1963, p. 55.
[6] C. J. Gadd, "A Sumerian Reading-Book", an Assistant in the
Department of Egyptian and Assyrian Antquities, the British
Museum, Oxford at Clarendon Press, 1924, p. 177.
[7] John L. Hayes, "A Manual Of Sumerian Grammar and Texts", Undena
Publications, Malibu, 1990, p. 96 on Sumerian Text 8, Line 9, sign 3.
[8] John L. Hayes, "A Manual Of Sumerian Grammar and Texts", Undena
Publications, Malibu, 1990, p. 95.
[9] Dorothea Wender (translator), HESIOD THEOGONY - WORKS AND DAYS",
Penguin Books, 1985, p. 168, GAIA or GE, the "goddess of Earth".
[10] John L. Hayes, "A Manual Of Sumerian Grammar and Texts", Undena
Publications, Malibu, 1990, p. 48, 97.
[11] John L. Hayes, "A Manual Of Sumerian Grammar and Texts", Undena
Publications, Malibu, 1990, p. 129-131.
[12] C. J. Gadd, "A Sumerian Reading-Book", Oxford at Clarendon Press,
1924, p. 63, see footnote 32, p. 69 Line 32.
[13] "Türk Dünyasi El Kitabi", Türk Kültürünü Arastirma
Yayinlari: 121, Cilt I, Ankara 1992, p. 147.
[14] Iain Zaczek and Photography by David Lyons, "Ancient Scotland",
Prospeo Books, 1998, p. 54-55, 57, 62-63.
[15] Iain Zaczek and Photography by David Lyons, "Ancient Ireland",
Prospeo Books, 1998, p. p. 86, 144.
[16] National Geographic, Vol. 179, No. 5, May 1991, p. 102.
[17] Julian Reade, "Mesopotamia", Brithish Museum Press, 1991, p. 34,
[18] Louise Prechtl and James Prechtl (photographs), Come Along To
Thailand", T. S. Denison & Company, Inc., Minneapolis, 1968, p. 76.
[19] Zecharia Sitchin, "The 12th Planet", Avon Books, New York, 1978,
p. 203, Figure 98.
[20] Zecharia Sitchin, "The 12th Planet", Avon Books, New York, 1978,
p. 319, Figure 142. Also see Figures 119, 120, 121 and 128.
[21] National Geographic, Vol. 179, No. 5, May 1991, p. 111.
[22] Julian Reade, "Mesopotamia", Brithish Museum Press, 1991, p. 51
Figures 64 and 65, p. 60, Figure 78, p. 42, Figure 51.
[23] National Geographic, Vol. 179, No. 5, May 1991, p. 111.
[24] Zecharia Sitchin, "The 12th Planet", Avon Books, New York, 1978,
p. 254, and Figure 117 on p. 200.
[25] Julian Reade, "Mesopotamia", Brithish Museum Press, 1991, p. 51
Figures 64 and 65, p. 43, Figure 52.
[26] Julian Reade, "Mesopotamia", Brithish Museum Press, 1991, p. 51
Figures 64 and 65, p. 43, Figure 52.
[27] National Geographic, Vol. 179, No. 5, May 1991, p. 110.
[28] Julian Reade, "Mesopotamia", Brithish Museum Press, 1991, p. 51
Figures 64 and 65, p. 45, Figure 55.
[29] Julian Reade, "Mesopotamia", Brithish Museum Press, 1991, p. 51
Figures 64 and 65, p. 60, Figure 78, p. 66, Figure. 86.
[30] Simon Davis, "The Decipherment of the Minoan Linear A and
Pictographic Scripts", Witwatersrand University Press, Johannesburg,
1967, p. 220, Figure 195, p. 223 Figure 198, p. 279 Figure 243, In
all these the Crescent and Sun figures of Turanian flags are also
[31] Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1963, Vol. 1, Plate I after p. 188.
See the lady with a bird like object at the top of her headdress.
[32] Julian Reade, "Mesopotamia", Brithish Museum Press, 1991, p. 35
Figure 40 and also inside cover page.
[33] National Geographic, Vol. 161, No. 5, May 1982, p. 552- 589. (See
names on double folded page 559).
[34] National Geographic, Vol. 161, No. 5, May 1982, p. 552.
by Polat Kaya