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Davis shock at O'Sullivan jeers

Former world champion Steve Davis was shocked to hear the crowd boo Ronnie O'Sullivan during his Grand Prix final defeat to John Higgins on Sunday.

O'Sullivan, who admitted to being bored with the game after his semi-final win over Barry Hawkins, was audibly jeered as he came out for the evening session.

Davis told BBC Sport: "It was a shock, but it was not a vast amount of people.

"It's happened to me before when I was in my prime but I think that was people who were fed up with me winning."

The booing was clearly heard within the auditorium and on television, but Davis feels O'Sullivan may have brought it upon himself.

He continued: "The people who pay money to come and watch the game live are enthusiasts and if a percentage of them are booing it is not down to Ronnie's play.

"So it must be down to his comments and the fact the fans feel they are disrespectful to the game and that snooker is losing out because of that.

"It's now down to Ronnie if he wants to do anything about that.

"It's OK to complain about the way the game is going, but perhaps it is not in your own best interests to say you are fed up with the game and you'd rather be digging up roses."

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