LFC_fan Creative Commons License 2005.10.15 0 0 8738
Ronnie  nyíltan vállalja véleményét hogy "unja"  a snookert. nem tudom hogy lehet így játszani és közben folyamatosan nyerni. nem akarom őt meglátni a pool asztal mellett, nem illik hozzá. nagyon hiányozna ha abbahagyná a snookert...

"If I lost, so what. If I won, so what," he said. "My heart's not in it, but what else would I be doing?

"I'm so peed off with the game and I'm bored with it. I'd rather be planting a few shrubs in the garden."

O'Sullivan forged into a 3-1 lead, but 26-year-old Hawkins, from Sydeham, gave it his all and pushed his opponent all the way.

The left-hander levelled with a superb 145 break, the tournament highest so far which will pocket him additional prize money of £4,000 if it is not bettered.

But Hawkins had been on a maximum 147 having potted 12 reds and 12 blacks. He was forced to take a blue after an unfortunate nudge but still held his nerve to put himself right back in the match.

It went to 5-5 after both players knocked in notable breaks but Hawkins had earlier missed a black on 47, just when it looked like he was going to take a 5-4 lead.

O'Sullivan then stole victory with a superb 117 break, but admitted Hawkins deserved to have won.

"He deserved to win it. I was cruising at 3-1, missed a silly ball and then he made a 145 and the momentum was with him," said O'Sullivan.

"I played some loose shots to let him get in - and fair play to him he played well and I should be out.

"He was trying his nuts off out there, which isn't fair because I really didn't care. I was just going to wait for my last opportunity and take that chance when it came.

"It was a bit of a slog, but I just want to get the game out of the way on Sunday, get my bags packed and go home.

"I want to put my cue in the boot and get out the back door."