love cat Creative Commons License 2005.09.02 0 0 10048

Látom igény van rá, beírom az eddigi 2005-ös ismert setlistát , és soundchecket:


02.07.2005 Versailles - Esplanade du Château (France)  'Live 8'

open, one hundred years, end
E1: just like heaven, boys don't cry

soundcheck: open, one hundred years, end


05.08.2005 Benicassim - Area de Conciertos de Benicassim (Spain)  'F.I.B.'

open, fascination street, alt.end, the blood, the end of the world, the baby screams, lullaby, never enough, m, play for today, at night, signal to noise, push, just like heaven, a letter to elise, shake dog shake, us or them, from the edge of the deep green sea, disintegration, one hundred years, end,
E1: friday i'm in love, boys don't cry


10.08.2005 Lokeren - Terrein Grote Kaai (Belgium)  'Lokerse Feesten'

open, fascination street, from the edge of the deep green sea, high, the blood, a night like this, the end of the world, shake dog shake, signal to noise, push, just like heaven, a letter to elise, never enough, us or them, a strange day, alt.end, the baby screams, one hundred years, shiver and shake, end,
E1: at night, m, play for today, a forest,
E2: let's go to bed, why can't I be you?,
E3: boys don't cry


13.08.2005 Saint-Père - Le Fort de Saint-Père (France)  'La Route du Rock'

plainsong, open, fascination street, alt.end, the blood, shake dog shake, a night like this, the end of the world, push, just like heaven, a letter to elise, lullaby, never enough, us or them, from the edge of the deep green sea, signal to noise, the baby screams, one hundred years, end, disintegration,
E1: at night, m, play for today, a forest,
E2: primary, boys don't cry, 10:15 saturday night

soundcheck: at night, out of this world, the figurehead


18.08.2005 Avenches - Arenes D'Avenches (Switzerland)  'Festival Rock Oz'Arènes'

open, fascination street, from the edge of the deep green sea, alt.end, the blood, the end of the world, shake dog shake, us or them, a night like this, push, friday i'm in love, just like heaven, a letter to elise, lullaby, never enough, signal to noise, the baby screams, one hundred years, end,
E1: at night, m, play for today, a forest,
E2: let's go to bed, why can't I be you?,
E3: boys don't cry, 10:15 saturday night


20.08.2005 Taormina - Teatro Antico (Italy)  'Taormina Arte'

open, fascination street, a strange day, alt.end, the blood, the end of the world, shake dog shake, us or them, a night like this, push, just like heaven, a letter to elise, lullaby, never enough, the figurehead, from the edge of the deep green sea, signal to noise, the baby screams, one hundred years, shiver and shake, end,
E1: at night, m, play for today, a forest,
E2: if only tonight we could sleep, the kiss,
E3: inbetween days, friday I'm in love, boys don't cry,
E4: faith, three imaginay boys, grinding halt, 10:15 saturday night, kissing an arab

soundcheck: the blood, push and from the edge of the deep green sea, the hanging garden, cold, the figurehead, the drowning man, if only tonight we could sleep, the kiss, grinding halt, it's not you, fire in cairo, inbetween days, three imaginary boys


26.08.2005 Szeged - Szegedi Újszegedi Partfürdõ (Hungary)  'Szegedi Ifjúsági Napok'

open, fascination street, from the edge of the deep green sea, alt.end, the blood, the end of the world, inbetween days, shake dog shake, us or them, a night like this, push, friday i'm in love, just like heaven, a letter to elise, lullaby, never enough, signal to noise, the baby screams, one hundred years, shiver and shake, end,
E1: at night, m, play for today, a forest,
E2: the drowning man, faith,
E3: three imaginary boys, grinding halt, boys don't cry, 10:15 saturday night, kissing an arab

soundcheck: fascination street, let's go to bed, signal to noise, hot hot hot, inbetween days, primary, lullaby, never enough, the figurehead, inbetween days, hot hot hot, catch, if only tonight we could sleep, its not you, jumping someone elses train


28.08.2005 Berlin - Kindl-Bühne Wuhlheide (Germany)

open, fascination street, from the edge of the deep green sea, alt.end, the blood, the end of the world, inbetween days, shake dog shake, us or them, the figurehead, a strange day, push, just like heaven, a letter to elise, lullaby, never enough, signal to noise, the baby screams, one hundred years, shiver and shake, end,
E1: at night, m, play for today, a forest,
E2: three imaginary boys, grinding halt, boys don't cry, 10:15 saturday night, killing an arab,
E3: faith

soundcheck: fascination street, lullaby, why can't I be you, hot hot hot, let's go to bed, inbetween days


01.09.2005 Malakassa - Terravibe (Greece)  'Terravibe Festival'

open, fascination street, from the edge of the deep green sea, alt.end, the blood, the end of the world, inbetween days, shake dog shake, us or them, push, lovesong, friday i'm in love, just like heaven, a letter to elise, lullaby, never enough, a strange day, signal to noise, the baby screams, one hundred years, shiver and shake, end,
E1: if only tonight we could sleep, the kiss,
E2: hot hot hot!!!, let's go to bed, why can't i be you?,
E3: three imaginary boys, fire in cairo, grinding halt, boys don't cry, 10:15 saturday night, killing an arab,
E4: faith

03.09.2005 Istanbul - Hezarfen Havalaani (Turkey)  'Rock'n Coke Music Festival'

Majd pár nap múlva megtudjuk :-D