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Three times Masters champion Paul Hunter has won his battle against cancer

In an interview with the Daily Star on Sunday, Hunter’s wife Lindsey confirmed that his treatment at St James Hospital in Leeds had been successful.

World No 5 Hunter endured five three-week cycles of chemotherapy which caused various side effects including the loss of his hair.

He was due to undergo a sixth and final cycle earlier this month, but was told that it was not necessary. A scan showed that the cancer had gone.

Lindsey admitted that she and Paul had both feared the worst during his treatment and had been told by doctors there was a chance that it would not be successful.

But the couple are now looking forward to a full return to health for the 26-year-old Yorkshireman, who hopes to be back in action on the green baize at the Grand Prix in October.

Lindsey, 30, also revealed that she is pregnant, with the birth of their first child due just after Christmas.

Hunter’s illness became public knowledge in April when cysts in his abdomen were found to be malignant. Lindsey added that he received over 500 cards and letters within days and that he read and kept every one.