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Also mak-. To knead, fashion, fit. Oldest forms *ma-, *ma-, becoming *mag-, *mak- in centum languages.
Derivatives include make, mason, mingle, magma, and mass.
1a. (i) make, from Old English macian, to make; (ii) mason, from Old French masson, mason; (iii) maquillage, from Middle Dutch maken, to make. (i)-(iii) all from Germanic verb *makn, to fashion, fit; b. match1, from Old English gem?cca, mate, spouse, from Germanic compound noun *ga-mak-(j)n-, "one who is fitted with (another)" (*ga-, with, together; see kom). Both a and b from Germanic *mak-. 2a. mingle, from Old English mengan, to mix; b. among, mongrel, from Old English gemang, mixture, crowd (ge-, together; see kom). Both a and b from Germanic nasalized form *mangjan, to knead together. 3. Suffixed form *mak-yo-. magma, from Greek magma, unguent, from massein (aorist stem mag-), to knead. 4. Suffixed lengthened-grade form *mg-ya-. mass; amass, mazaedium, from Greek mza, maza, a (kneaded) lump, barley cake. 5. Suffixed lengthened-grade form *mk-ero-. macerate, from Latin mcerre, to tenderize, to soften (food) by steeping. (Pokorny ma- 696, 2. mk- 698, men()k- 730.)
Előzmény: najahuha (1387)