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"Gackt's Diary" is from "Dears Only" section in Dears website.

• At last, be happy to be re-opened
April 1, 2002.(Mon.)14:59.

Translated by Mic-chan

Thank you for waiting, waiting for such a long time.
At last, my HP accomplished its renewal,
and the problem of hacking is solved as well.
I hope you'll enjoy my brand-new HP.
Please tell other dears(= Gackt's fan) who don't know yet
that Dears has restored finally.
Today I have started my radio program and
I'll be busy even more,
but I just do my best to deliver you my great works as soon as possible.


• Just a little hard
April 16, 2002.(Tue.)16:24.

Translated by Mic-chan

for dear
How are you all doing?
As for me, I haven't really slept for all week
and my body feels heavy.
Last night's radio show, I was kind of in high spirit
because of my restless mind... I guess.
There's a lot of flu about these days, and I wonder if you're alright.
I'm a little sicky, actually.
I already talked about this last night's radio show but,
that rumor on TV, saying I just got married...
for me it's like "What in the world are you talking about?"
Before everything, I don't even have marriage partner!
People on TV shows have quite a few
influence to the audience...
So, be more careful especially when you talk about others!
Don't know why but when I see people like that,
I even feel sorry for them for not able to live
without other people's gossip or scandal...
Or am I weird thinking like that?
Anyways... I'm just muttering to myself.
By the way, "Wasurenai Kara" is coming really soon---!!


• Unhopeless caughting the flu
May 3, 2002.(Fri.)23:19.

Translated by Juds-chan

for dear

It's been a while since I was sick, but I have finally caught the flu.
My working so hard has finally caught up with me I guess.
Today, I kind of slept the day away.
I am feeling better now.
I'll start working hard again.
The work is almost finished, I'm halfway there.


• Everyday Filming
July 26, 2002.(Fri.)04:30.

Translated by Juds-chan

The filming is going more smoothly than I thought it would.
I can't seem take myself away from HIEPITA (brand name of cooling patch.)
even at this moment.
They are stuck all over my body.
I think Hyde is a really cool guy.
You guys are wondering what's going on, aren't you?
I am very happy because everything seems to be coming along well.
"MOON" is now becoming more than just a possibility.
I can feel it.
Please look forward to it.


• The oricon interview is over.
September 16, 2002.(Mon.)21:49.

Original translated by ****. Edited by Jug.

Finally the oricon interview is over.
After this, it is allnightnippon which I haven't been on for awhile.
For some reason, my oricon manager; Miss 'H' was absent today.
(Jug: When Japanese people would like to mention about someone but wouldn't like to show who she/he is, they will put the first character of the name only.)
I asked why and found out she's having her wedding ceremony in Hawaii today...
It seems to be spring every where.
I wonder why she went to Hawaii without telling anyone...
Well, I heard it from the magazine editor so that is that.


• I am so tired
October 16, 2002.(Wed.)01:23.

Translated by Jug.

Finally my work was finished.
Today I was really tired.
From yesterday, I almost didn't sleep.
Besides, tension is high...
After this, I'll have reconsideration meeting about my concert.
Farther as I can send great thoughful to you all.
