miramaru Creative Commons License 2005.07.02 0 0 2839
Gackt has updated his diary about the Korean fan meeting incident.
Here's a translation.

Korea was,
2005 6 20 (Mon.) 14:54

for dear

It seems that there's debates going on every where on the net about the Korean fan-meeting.
Well, I don't know who's saying what
But I believe that the decision I made wasn't wrong.

Well, the negative fans (can we call these people fans?) read something about this in an article and right after that they send me mails about the whole thing acting as if they understand the whole situation...
Honestly, I can't care about these people's opinions.
I guess those people get their chance to masturbate by sending those mails.

I don't mean that we weren't wrong at all.
In fact, the office(Japan) could not hold full meetings about the day
and that I had the staff in Korea do most of the work
These parts, I believe, was the bad part of the office.

But, it's not that I want to say who was bad and who was good
I just wanted to say why I made that decision
Why I made all the fans wait and extend the time...

It was what I felt from the conversations I had with the Korean staff
Things like
"You don't have to sing if the problems with the sound systems aren't working"
"In Korea, we do things like this"
and that kind of stuff...

What I got (felt) from this situation was
In Korea, they have the rotten thing called "THE Public entertainment" (celebrities, etc) that once existed in Japan
And that this system doesn't really work that well in the industry.

The first thing that comes to mind
Is what exists in the consideration of the artists and creators
The theme "To make something for someone"

Even if this is a mistake, it isn't for saving the "look" of the company or office
I believe that it is what we can do for our fans
However, the borderline of this idea is terribly difficult and even for every one of the fans
What they wants differs, so we conclude that this is the only idea.

If we go on with the scheduled time,
People think that for the time being, the could get things done without being blamed
And arrogantly think that the fans would be happy with whatever they are given with

However, with this, the only conclusion is that the fans will soon go away
"Okay, just go on this stage"-like talent-building-structure
exists, as a fact, making it hard for Korea's music industry not being able to give out more artists.

In a complete activity where the TV station leads everythig
The people who really love music, wants to gain something from it, and tries to get to a higher stage with it,
cannot have a place where they can show their talents
And only can think about the audience

This means, that if they are more people who love music, and create music
The depth of the music industry will grow, meaning that the market will grow as well, as well as the quality being better
And that being on the top of this quality will mean a very important thing
And that the person on the very top will gain lots of respect.

If somebody doesn't get rid of the rotten idea
The music industry, and the whole idea of music being a way to express things, will not change, and will not grow.
Even if this sounds like a selfish thing to say.

Well, I have an endless things of things I want to say and write
But what I can clearly say is that

If there are any mistakes that I made right now,
due to the actions or decisions I made
I will quit my music and leave the stage

If I can't believe in my beliefs or I have a question against it
I don't want to continue my activity in such a "half-way" attitude

I have no means in work with no spirt
Just for my life

I don't want to make a stage that's temporary

If you can't see what I'm trying to achieve
You really don't need to be a core fan of mine, right?

You should be a fan of someone you could easily assist.

What I want is a family that could go along with me
And I want you to be one of them

If your thoughts are different from mine
Everything will be fine if you go away from me
You don't need to send me critical thoughts

I always live with my stomach tied up
Are you ready to follow?


By the way, "To tie a stomach" is a Japanese term- it means something like "Having guts"