Törölt nick
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A készülőről valószínűleg fognak:
"Looks like we won't have to wait much longer for a preview of the 3 piece Cure. The new e-mail from Yahoo! Music Backstage/Pepsi Smash on Yahoo! has the following listed in their Mark Your Calendar section:
Wednesday, 6/15 The Cure Video Interview & Performance
"Second Source" scores again. He/She said that 2 of the new songs would be on Yahoo! Music, 2 on another online site, and 1 possibly on a movie soundtrack. And no, Dave Allen didn't work on these tracks (that didn't come from "Second Source"). They went even further back in Cure history for a producer. Of course this is all just EVIL NASTY FILTHY RUMOR for now. ; )"
Előzmény: Szigi101 (8555)