miramaru Creative Commons License 2005.06.03 0 0 2719
Na, akkor először az angol.

(Valamilyen Extasy-s rádióműsor 2001 környékén. Shiro: egy Extasy-s előadó, de most műsorvezető, Yoshiki: övé az Extasy, ÍGackt: ő csak vengég most).

G: Gackt
S: Shiro

S: Hello

Y: Hello. (Gackt, laughing) Good evening.

S: Why are you laughing?

Y: How are you?

G: I'm fine, and you?

Y: I'm fine.

G: Are you sleepy?

Y: No, I'm ok. (laugh)

G: Your nose is stopped up.

Y: Yeah, it is. What time is it now here?

G: About 4: 30a.m.

Y: Yeah, it's early in the morning, but I'm ok.

G: We talk after a long interval. I'm very happy to talk with you.

Y: How have you been?

G: I'm fine. How about Shiro chan?

S: I'm fine, too.

Y: Shiro chan, how are you?

S: I'm fine. I also talk with you after a long time.

Y: When did we talk last time? About a year ago?

S: No, about a half year.

Y: Really? Gackt, how are you? (laugh)

G: I'm fine. I'm really very fine.

Y: I may be half asleep.

S: Thank you for talking with us on your precious time.

Y: No problem.

S: First, I'd like to ask about your friendship. Gackt san came to Extasy
Night held in Shibuya last year.
You watched our stage, didn't you? How long have you been friend?

Y: Well.........,

G: About 2 years?

Y: We drank liquor together in LA.

G: Yeah, it's about a year and a half or 2 years ago. When we met first
time, we had a dinner together, then we drank liquor at your house. I
didn't know YOSHIKI could drink such a large amount. (laugh)

Y: Did I drink a lot at that time?

G: Yeah, you were dead drunk.

Y: Really?

G: Yeah, we couldn't count how many bottles of Dom Perignon we drank

Y: I might drink a lot.

G: I had to work next day so I told you at first that I wouldn't drink a
lot. Though YOSHIKI understood it, you asked me why I didn't drink a lot
as you are getting drunk. (laugh)

Y: Did I?

G: Then you started to get angry.

Y: I didn't get angry ! (laugh)

S: Do you remember that?

Y: Gackt played piano at my house. He was really good at playing piano.
I was so surprised that I sobered up.

S: What's your first impression?

G: When I first met him, I recognized that YOSHIKI looked at my eyes
straightly. He is a man of large caliber. He's chivalrous. (YOSHIKI, laugh)
I'm not flattering. (laugh)
Anyway, I purely like him. I think he's so cool. He is very cool as a man.

Y: (laugh) Gackt has an aura. We are both a musician, and I instinctively
felt that we were alike in character. (laugh)
I'm sorry if you don't agree with my opinion. (laugh) Do you mind to be
said we are similar in character?

G: I said nothing to complain. (laugh)

S: Well then, you feel you have something in common.

G: YOSHIKI is very smart even though he is drunken.
Generally speaking, when we get drunken, our thinking faculty lower.
But even if he drinks a lot, he can speak logically.
He is so sharp. When we drank together last time, he understood all of
what I wanted to say.
Other people, who were with us at that time, couldn't understand until I
talked all, but YOSHIKI could understand all of what I wanted to say
when he listened about one third of my speech, even though he was so

Y: Did I get drunk at that time? (laugh)

G: Yeah ! But you were so smart !

Y: I'm very pleased that Gackt praise me.

G: I don't usually praise someone.

Y: Really?

G: I have few people whom I like, and I think there are no male artists
who are cool. I only met YOSHIKI in private. I didn't meet him when he
was on the stage as a musician. But still I felt he had an aura.

Y: Well........Gackt has an aura, too.

S: Gackt san will release a new song. Let's listen to it.

Y: Is that a one you took PV in Okinawa?

G: No, It was the previous one that I had a shooting in Okinawa.

Y: Oh, time passed so quickly.

G: Yeah. A year has passed since we met last time.

Y: Is that so?

G: Or a half year?

Y: I'm insensible on time when I am in LA.

S: Then please introduce your new song. It's called "Another World".
I watched the PV just now. I like the scene that you hold someone's
hand. Did you take that scene somewhere in foreign country ?

G: Yeah, it was in Hongkong.

Y: Hongkong is nice place, isn't it? (laugh)

G: Yeah, I also think Hongkong is great.

Y: They are ahead of us in making films.

G: Yeah. And I was interested in their language.

Y: Oh, you can speak Chinese, can't you? I remember that you speak

G: No, I can speak Pekinese.

Y: Yeah, you speak Mandarin. Why do you speak Mandarin?

G: It's because there are Chinese fans and I don't like to talk with them
through an interpreter.

Y: I have to study, too. (laugh)

S: Gackt san produces a visual field including CD jacket and video.

G: Yes, I do.

S: YOSHIKI san also takes a great interest in visual field.

Y: Yes, I do.

S: Are both of you inspired by something when you think about visual

G: In my case, the image comes to me first, so I'm not particularly
inspired by something.
I don't know why those images come to me.

Y: That's the same as in my case, the image comes to me first, then I
make a song according to that image.

G: I usually make songs in that way.

Y: So we make songs in the same way !
When I make songs, I have an image in my mind. Therefore I don't
make an image according to the sound. I always have an image in my

G: Yeah, yeah.

Y: I'd like to drink a liquor when I'm talking about such a topic. (laugh)

S: What kind of movies do you like?

G: Have you watched "Cube"? It's an old movie.

Y: Cube?

G: Do you know "Cube"?

Y: No, I don't.

G: The story starts like this; there are people who are shut up in a
cube, and they don't know why they were shut up there.

Y: It sounds interesting.

G: The story is going on in the mixture of the purpose of that they are in
the cube, and the desire to escape, and the instinct of the human being.
I drew a sigh after I finished watching that movie.

Y: Have you watched "Hannibal"? I felt sick to watch it.
I like "God Father" and "Brave Heart".

G: Oh, you like "Brave Heart"?

Y: Yes, I like it very much.

G: I love it, too ! Mel Gibson is performing in that movie.

Y: Really? I don't know you like those kind of movies.

G: I even wanted to wear a skirt when I watch it.

Y: Brave Heart is my favorite movie at present.
I like it's sound track, too.

G: Yes, I think so. The girl who loves Mel Gibson brings a poison to him
because he will be executed the next day. He can die without any pain
if he takes a poison.

Y: Yeah, that's Sophy Marceau.

G: Yeah.

Y: She is excellent.

G: He receives the poison but he throws it up after she left.

Y: Yeah, he throws it up.

G: I want Shiro chan to watch it.

S: Yes, I will.

Y: Haven't you watched it?

S: No, I haven't.

Y: Oh, that's too bad.

S: By the way, Gackt san, your live video will be released this month.

Y: Where did you have your concert?

G: At "Yoko Ari".

Y: Yoko Ari?

G: Yes, Yokohama Arena.

Y: Oh, Yokohama Arena. I see.

G: I asked you to come to the concert if you were in Japan. But you
were very busy at that time.

Y: Do you have any plan to have your concert next month?

G: No, I don't. (laugh) I had already finished my tour. I can't have a
concert at your convenience. (laugh)
Whenever I call you, Your answering machine answered that you are in
LA. You are always in LA.

Y: I haven't been back to Japan for a long time.

S: What's the title of your video?

G: "Shuen" and "Seijaku".

S: The video will be released at the end of this month and the dvd will
be released next month.
Is there any difference in the content between them?

G: Yes, a little. I'm editing the video now like YOSHIKI does. And I'll
finish it soon.

Y: (laugh)

S: I'm sorry the time has come. We should say bye-bye to YOSHIKI san.

G: Please go to bed from now on.

Y: No, I can't sleep.

G: Then don't drink a liquor.

Y: Ok, ok. I don't drink liquor recently.

G: Let's have a drink when you'll be back to Japan.

Y: Yes, I will definitely call you when I'll be back to Japan.

S: Do you have any message to Gackt san?

Y: Thank you for joining our program.
I really feel the possibility to you. I'm concerned in many artists now and
I feel a great possibility especially to you. Please keep it up.

G: Thank you.

S: Thank you for joining though it's early in the morning in LA.

G: Thank you, YOSHIKI.

Y: I'm usually still awake at this time but my schedule was a little
changed and I went to bed at midnight last night, but I'm ok. (laugh)

S: Take care of yourself.

Y: Shiro chan, too.

S: Thank you.

Y: See you again.

S: You talked to YOSHIKI san after a long time didn't you?

G: He's such a funny guy.

S: Have you enjoyed talking with him today?

G: He's been talking through his nose. He just woke up.

S: We can't ordinarily listen YOSHIKI san's voice such as just after he
wakes up. I think it may be very precious.

G: I feel very sorry to wake him up.

S: Yes, it's very early in the morning in LA.

G: He is always very busy and I think it's very precious and important
for him to sleep.

S: I think so, too.