el mariachi_ Creative Commons License 2005.05.27 0 0 148

Ami még a Red Cliff mellett jön:


-Take 7 (2006)


Seven short films - each one focused on the plight of a different child protagonist.
Az egyik rövidfilmet ő rendezi (többek között Spike lee, Kusturica és Ridley Scott mellett)


-Spy Hunter (2006)


An ex-fighter pilot rids the world of spies, assassins, and other vermin with his souped-up Interceptor car

Ebben The Rock lesz a főszereplő


-The Red Circle  (2006)


A cop looks to crack an unsolved heist engineered by a recently paroled thief and a fugitive murderer



-He-Man  (2006)


He-Man, the most powerful man in the universe, goes against the evil Skeletor to save the planet Eternia and protect the secrets of Castle Grayskull.