The Rev. Zoltán Szabó Nagyernyei
...After we arrived in the United States, I finished my studies at Scottish Presbyterian Seminary. When I petitioned a post as a missionary, I was selected to go to West Africa’s Cameroon, which stood at that time under the protection of the United States.
This appointment brought new spiritual vistas into my life. I studied Hebrew and Greek, and at the same time I studied the Bantu language, the language of Cameroon, in order to translate the Holy Scriptures. This was in addition to the many languages that I had learned from childhood, and the ones I learned during the years of work with different nationalities. I came across the missionary and professor Wange’s great dictionary of the Bantu language, entitled “Sumerian, the Sanskrit of N’tu.” (N’tu is the plural of the Bantu name.)
And now the excitement began, one interesting discovery after another! Let us see some examples:
Bantu FULA (wall, river) Magyar FAL, FALU, FOLYÓ (wall, town, river)
Bantu GOLA (big bird) Magyar GÓLYA (stork)
Bantu Gila (weapon) Magyar GYILOK (weapon)
My amazement grew as I continued to compare the Bantu and Magyar words, where both form and content were so identical that it made the common origin of the two languages evident. But this was only the beginning. The more dictionaries and languages I consulted, the result was the same. I took the blinders off — which were designed to keep horses in line — and by now I started to look around in a 360 degree arc in all the languages around the world to find the words identical to MAGYAR words. The Magyar identity in the languages, the immense volume, is shocking. It is an enormous amount of material! Their cataloging, organization, explanation requires a whole lifetime of dedication. The end-result of such studies can be only one thing: The Magyar language is mankind’s first language, the language of creation, the ancestral language. Let me cite a few examples of the ancient Magyar language and some other languages:
The Creative energy (TERemt? Ereje) of God is expressed in light (FÉNY) and life (ÉLET) today (MA) and for this reason these can be considered as the emanations of God:
Magyar ALKOT, ÉL, to create, to live
Dravidian OLI sun, OL moon
Pansan Tobu Indian ALA sun,
Caris Uitoto OLE = fire,
Guachi OALETE = moon.
Magyar leÁLDOZ a nap (the sun goes down),
OLtalom (protestion),
ÁLD (blessing),
Oltár (altar),
Magyar felOLD (absolve, dissolve);
Havaii ’A LOHI = to shine, glitter, sparkle,
ULI goddess,
Havaii cOlino/cOlali/cOlili = to shine,
ALO = face
OLA = to live, to exist
Magyar ÉL (to live, to exist
Havaii ELEU = alive, a living (person)
Magyar ÉL?, ELEVEN (alive, a living person)
Havaii OLIKO = to shine, UILA = „villámlik, világít”.
Magyar TEREM, DERENG, DERÜL (to grow, to dawn, to clear up,
Mandingo of west Africa TERA sun
West Sumerian UR heroe, man
AR to shine, to rule ;
Magyar MA today
Cushite ancient Egyptian MA to scorch, to renew, true, to regenerate, light
Magyar FÉNY (light)
Phoenician PHOENIX a brilliantly shining bird which renews itself from its ashes,
Cushite ancient Egyptian BENU the shiny Venus bird
Magyar TEKINT to glance
Turkmen TEKE sun
The Magyar word VAN (is) is derived from the word FÉNY (light): Everything that is (VAN), the “all” (MINden) appears in our visual field.
Magyar VAN is
Cushite ancient Egyptian UN/UAN is,
Ethiop Gogot HwANÄ is
In many languages
north of the Equator VAN is,
Cushite ancient Egyptian RA says: ANUK = I am and
ANUK UR = I am the Great and Mighty (UR),
Cushite ancient Egyptian UN/UAN = to be, to exist
ÜNEN = existence
UNONET = it was, it existed
WNN = it is, it exists
Cushite Coptic OVON = it is,
Bilin WAN = it exists
Kaffa: WAN= it is
Ethiopian Agau W?N-O-KU I am
Ethiopian Qemant W?N-o-ku I am,
African Lot. WON it is (its infinitive wwanan),
African ba’GWON it is,
Mexican Mixe-Zofue WIHN eye (light of his eye),
Mexican Macro Panoan Panobo UI? to look,
Californian Penutian south Wintu VINI to look, to see,
Californian Penutian Tunica WENU to find
Macro Carib Motilon WANO I know, I perceive
The light of life came from heaven (MENNY)
Cushite ancient Egyptian MIN shine, radiation,
NIM/NEM as in NEMRATH shine, radiation in the “Man of Shine” in whom yesterday’s Sun lives with O-SIR
Marácz László