Elméleti fejtegetésed a gyakorlatban Majláth olvasatában a következőképpen fest az ok, okoz, mozOG gyökkel vagy szóval az uetruszk szótárában. Érdemes alaposan áttanulmányozni. Én többek közt az ilyenek miatt szoktam eurázsiai ősnyelvről beszélni.
ac make, offer [glb, lb, mp 75] /Etruscan
acasce did, made [am91, mp68, pa, dep] /Etruscan
-og verbal suffix "do, make" /Hungarian [hh96]
ok, a reason, a cause;
ok-oz to cause, make /Hungarian
/Uralic [fh16]
also see Hungarian akar "wish,desire, etc."
-ag, -ak
verbal suffix to do, make [hh96] aka, ak, ag, a5 to do, act; to place; to make into (something) [jh]
aga work, to work, to make, to build. O te Atua i aga ai i te ragi, i te henua God make heaven and earth. /Rapanui [anon]
/g/ represents the sound /ng/ as in English <sing> [anon]
ika, acika, arika permissive or causative affix: senikaime let him go; send him (Mun.d.a_ri) (Mun.d.a_ri lex.) [sk]
Cognate Set <Dolgopol'skij (1973) , p. 131 #2> [oi4]
Cushitic, Agaw
ag- ag*- be /Kemant; ag- ak- /Xamta; ax- *P /Awngi; ag*- be(come) /Bilin; ag*- ay- be /Qwara; ag*- /Xamir
Cushitic, East
ah- be /Somali; ih- become /Burji; ik- /Sidamo; ik- /Darasa; ik- /Kambata; ik- /Alaba; ik- Hadiyya
*uč`e reason /Altaic [ss]
*üč-ün because of, for the sake of /Turc
*učir cause, reason /Mongol
*uč- 1 cause, fate 2 time, season /Tungus
*áčh reason /Korean [ss]
*=Ho>q.E: to do, make; to be, become /North Caucasian [ss]
*=o|q- B 1 to become; to be born 2 to grow /Tsezian [ss]
=oqI- 1 /Tsezi; =u"q- 1 /Ginukh; eqq- /Khvarshi; =eqIw|- 1, l-eqw|- 2 /Inkhokvari; =aq- 1 /Bezhita; =o|q- 1 /Gunzib [ss]
*=a(r)q.- / *=i(r)q.- to do, to make /Dargwa [ss]
=arq.- / =irq.- /Chiragh [ss]
*?aq.a- to do, to make /Lezghian [ss]
aq.- /Agul [ss]
q.i to be, to become /Khinalug [ss]
*q/:Ia 1 to be 2 to have /Abkhaz-Adyghe [ss]
a/-q.a-la-ra 1 /Abkhaz; a-?a-z-la-ra 1 /Abaza; -?a- 1,2 /Adyghe; -?a- 1,2 /Circassian; q.a-G|- 2 /Ubykh [ss]
a_kku (a_kki-) to effect, make, cause to be, create, arrange; creation; a_kkam creation, increase, prosperity; a_kkan- that which is artificial; a_kkiyo_n- creator, author of a book; a_kkum perhaps, indeed; a_ka completely, in that fashion, adverbial suffix /Tamil; a_kuka to be that, become that, be what it ought to be, to be right, be possible; a_kkuka to make to be that; place, put, employ; a_kkikka to cause to make; a_kkam what one puts, contentment, strength, continuance; a_ka altogether, being, so as to be /Malayalam; a.g- (a.y-/a.n-; some forms from a.-; gerunds a.r.y, a.t.y) to become; a.k- (a.yk-) to make to become, prepare (Ko.); a_gu (a_n-, a_y-, etc.), agu (rare) to come into existence, happen, become, prove, to be, be, etc.; n. becoming, coming to pass; a_gisu to cause to become, bring about, perform; a_guvike, a_guha becoming, happening, etc.; -a_gi adverbial suffix; a_m. interj. of assent of recollection /Kannad.a [sk]
a_kka to cause (Tamil) (Mun.d.a_ri lex.) [sk]
(1) Indo-European
Indo-Iranian/Iranian [ak1]
Balochi suffix -ag
It seems that the popular Old Iranian suffix -aka- which in Iranian languages could be attached to any noun without noticeable change of meaning comes out as Balochi -ag
The infinitive in most Balochi dialects also shows this suffix which is attached to the present stem, e.g. kan-ag "to do", war-ag "to eat".
(2) Indo-European
*ag'- 'to do, to lead' /Proto IE [cb]
actud, acum to do /Oscan [cb]
agere to do /Latin [cb]