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Vase Number 200149
Technique RED-FIGURE
Shape Record AMPHORA, NECK
Date 550 BC: 525 BC to 475 BC
Previous Collection 1: Goluchow, Czartorski: 63
Current Collection 2: Warsaw, National Museum: 142332
Current Collection 2: 142332
Publication Record Lexicon Iconographicum Mythologiae Classicae: PL.157, BRIKON 1 (DRAWING OF B)
Publication Record Paquette, D., L'Instrument de musique dans la ceramique de la grece antique (Paris, 1984): 55, A44 (PART OF B)
Publication Record Rocznik Muzeum Narodowego w Warszawie: 3 (1958) 326, FIG.7 (B)
Publication Record Dobrowolski, W., Wazy Greckie, II, Attycka Ceramika Czerwonofigurowa (Warsaw, 1982): PL.3 (A)
Publication Record Burlington Magazine: 119 (1977) 88, FIG.19 (PART OF A)
Publication Record Boardman, J., Athenian Red Figure Vases (London, 1975): FIG.37 (B), 34, HEAD DETAILS 5
Publication Record Robertson, C.M., The art of vase-painting in classical Athens (Cambridge, 1992): 34, FIG.25 (PART OF A)
Publication Record Hephaistos: 14 (1996) 140, FIGS.5-6 (A, B)
Publication Record Santi, M.F. (ed.), Le collezioni di antichita nella cultura antiquaria Europea, RivIst Supplement 21 (Rome, 1999): DOBROWOLSKI FIG.15 (A)
Publication Record Reschke, E., Die Ringer des Euthymides (Stuttgart, 1990): PL.4.1 (DRAWING OF A)
Publication Record Heres, H. and Kunze, m. (eds.), Die Welt der Etrusker, internationales Kolloquium 24.-26. Oktober 1988 in Berlin (Berlin, 1990): PL.66.3-4 (A, B)
Publication Record Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum: GOLUCHOW, MUSEE CZARTORYSKI, 18, PL.(018) 18.1A.1B.1C.1D
View Whole CVA Plates
Publication Record Carpenter, T.H., with Mannack, T., and Mendonca, M., Beazley Addenda, 2nd edition (Oxford, 1989): 156
Publication Record Beazley, J.D., Paralipomena (Oxford, 1971): 324
Publication Record Beazley, J.D., Attic Red-Figure Vase-Painters, 2nd edition (Oxford, 1963): 27.8
Publication Record Burn, L., and Glynn, R., Beazley Addenda (Oxford, 1982): 75
CAVI Collection Warsaw, National Museum 142,332.
CAVI Lemma RF neck amphora. Euthymides. Last quarter sixth. 510-500. *CV, Poland 1, pl. 18. *Beazley, VPol. 13ff., pls. 4-6. Kretschmer, Vas. 153. C. FrSatyr- und Bakchennamen (1912) 37 and 90/b. ARV(2) 27/8, Para. 324, Add.(2) 156. Script 374. A. Kossatz-Deissmann, GVGettyMus 5 (1991) 149, BRIKON 1 (bibl.).
CAVI Subject A: a youth pouring wine from a pointed amphora. B: a satyr.
CAVI Inscriptions A: to right of the back of the youth's head: Αθενιον. Further to his right: ενχε. Between his legs: he δυν. On his left: οινον. I.e., 'α6[54]γχει hJ δ'ε7[55]ν ο'ε4νον. B: on the satyr's left: Οιφον. On his right: Βρικον. Under the foot, Gr.: MI. See TGV 107/26B 7.
CAVI Comments Ex Goluchow, Czartoryski 63. On B, there are two satyr names, but only one satyr is shown. Note syllabic heta.